COPAA Congratulates Obama, Biden

“The Council of Pakistan American Affairs (COPAA) congratulates Mr. Barack Hussein Obama on taking oath as the 44th President of the United States of America in an historic swearing-in ceremony held at the Capitol Hill on January 20, 2009,” says a COPAA press release. It adds:
“In an Inaugural Address to the nation and to the world that not only invoked the challenges of the America's past, but the newly sworn-in president called the Americans to action in tones that were at times sober yet hopeful.
“COPAA is confident that President Obama’s administration will quickly focus on building international harmony, confront the country's failed economy, improve the education and health systems, restore human dignity and respect to its rightful place and make tackling the environmental concerns one of its top priority.”


“As a Senator from Delaware for 36 years, Biden has been playing a leading role on some of our nation's most important domestic and international challenges. As a Chairman or the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 17 years, Biden was widely recognized for his work on criminal justice issues including the landmark 1994 Crime Bill and the Violence Against Women Act.
“As a Chairman or the Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since 1997, Biden played a pivotal role in shaping the US foreign policy. He has been at the forefront of issues and legislation related to combating terrorism, limiting the production and possession of weapons of mass destruction, strengthening US-European relationship during the post-Cold War era, bringing stability in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The Council of Pakistan American Affairs congratulates Joseph Biden as the new Vice President of the United States of America.”
The Council of Pakistan American Affairs was established in the mid 90's. Its major aim is to assist US elected officials and policy makers to have a better understanding of issues of vital interest to Pakistan that would ultimately lead to strong bilateral relations between USA and Pakistan. Contact: Javed Iqbal 626 384 8189



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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