
Former President Musharraf announces return to Pakistan

DUBAI: Former President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf announced he will return to Pakistan within a week of the interim government being formed, adding that he will land in either Karachi or Islamabad.

While addressing a press conference in Dubai, the former president said the All Pakistan Muslim League will participate in the upcoming general elections.

"Under the advice of all my party men, we have decided that as soon as the interim government is in place, which we hope will be on March 16, within a week of that I will go back to Pakistan,"

Addressing the issue of threats to his life and the cases against him in Pakistan, Musharraf said his life was in God’s hands, adding that if he was being tried for promoting development and prosperity in Pakistan, he was ready to face the courts.

Musharraf termed his return to Pakistan as very important for Pakistani politics and said that a viable and honest third force was critically required, adding that he was not returning to settle any scores.

Speaking about the Hazara’s of Quetta, Musharraf said they were patriotic, patient and educated Pakistani’s. Musharraf further added that by remaining divided and fighting amongst each other religious extremism was destroying Pakistan from within.

The former president said he was hopeful that the people of Pakistan had realized who is right and who is wrong as the country will be facing more pressures after the 2014 NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan.



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