
March 18 , 2017

India set to build 1,000MW Pakal Dul project on Chenab

ISLAMABAD: India is going to build on the Chenab River its first ever hydropower project namely Pakal Dul project with capacity to generate 1000 MW of electricity with water storage that will be filled every year during food time – from June 21 to August 31.

“The water of 0.08 MAF will be stored in the reservoir. India has earlier built all hydropower projects on Pakistan rivers on run of the river,” a senior official of the Ministry of Water and Power privy to the development told The News.

“This project will also be taken up for detailed discussion during the Pak-India crucial talks at Permanente omission of Indus waters (PCIW) that is going to take place on March 20-21 in Lahore,” he said.

India’s sending its 10-member delegation for talks at PCIW level means New Dehli has restored the Indus Waters Treaty as earlier Modi led government had suspended the talks at PCIW level.

However, Ratle and Kishnganga hydropower projects, the officials said, will not be figured out in the Lahore talks as both the sides had failed to resolve the dispute in the designs of said projects at PCIW level.

“Now after exhausting every endeavour mentioned in the Treaty, Pakistan has already moved World Bank for the resolution of the disputes about Ratle and Kishnganga hydropower projects in Court of Arbitration. India says that the said two projects’ dispute should be resolved in Neutral Expert court. Because of divergence of views between the two countries on the resolution mechanism, World Bank has taken the pause and is in process to initiate mediations between the two sides to reach consensus on resolution mechanism.”

However, coming to the agenda of PCIW talks to be held in Lahore, the official said that under the Indus Waters Treaty, India is entitled store 3.6 MAF water on Pakistan rivers, Pakal Dul is the first project that will be storing the water of 0.08MAF.

Pakistan had earlier raised many objections on the designs of the project which are to be deliberated during the talks and Indian side headed by India Commissioner of Indus Water Mr P K Saxena will respond to the objections during the two-day talks. Pakistan side will be headed by Pakistan’s Commissioner of Indus Waters Mr Mirza Asif Beg.

Apart from it, India is also constructing another 120 MW Miyar Hydroelectric Project

which is located across Miyar Nalla, a right bank main tributary of River Chenab. The main project components are Barrage, Intake, Head Race Tunnel, Surge shaft, valve house, Penstocks, Surface Powerhouse and Tail Race Channel.

The project shall be designed for a design discharge of 61.35 cumecs and rated head of 215.54 m. Installed capacity is 120 MW with Francis Turbine – 3 nos. of generating units of 40 MW each. Pakistan has raised many objections on its design and in the two day parleys this project will also be discussed in details. Likewise 48 MW Lower Kalnai which India is also constructing on River Chenab will also be discussed.




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