
Press freedom day to be observed on May 3


ISLAMABAD– Worldpress freedom day would be observed on May 3 (Tuesday),every year May 3 is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom.

To evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend themedia from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute tojournalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of theirprofession.Over 100 national celebrations take place each year tocommemorate this day.

UNESCO leads the worldwide celebration byidentifying the global thematic and organizing the main event indifferent parts of world every year.The international day was proclaimed by the UN GeneralAssembly in 1993 following a recommendation adopted at the 26thSession of UNESCO's general conference in 1991.

In 2016, World Press Freedom Day coincides with threeimportant milestones the 250th anniversary of the world's firstfreedom of information law, covering both modern-day Sweden andFinland.The year 2016 is also the first year of the 15 year life-cycleof the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year's WPFD focuses on three different aspects of pressfreedom,freedom of information as a fundamental freedom and as ahuman right,protecting press freedom from censorship andsurveillance overreach,ensuring safety for journalism online andoffline.


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