Muslim-Americans Show Responsible Citizenship
By Hazem Kira

Founded in 1817, and having gone through several names and owners, the Observer-Dispatch garnered a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 1959. The following editorial, which was published before the AMT-PAC’s qualified endorsement of Sen. John Kerry shows tremendous dignity and honesty in complimenting American Muslims and their largest representative body, the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) as a model for the rest of the country. Fair-minded and unbiased institutions like the Observer-Dispatch make us all proud to be Americans. The complete text of the editorial is given below:

Observer-Dispatch Editorial
“No-shows at the ballot box might take a lesson from Muslim-Americans, who are stepping up efforts to assume an active role in the nation's political process.
“The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections believes that this year's presidential race will be close, and even though its numbers are small, activists say voters could have an impact in November. To that end, the Associated Press reported Monday that the group aims to register one million Muslims to vote and will educate them about the presidential candidates' positions.

"We believe this election will be a very tight one and small communities can play a major role, particularly in battleground states such as Michigan, Ohio and Florida, where a majority of Muslims live," Omar Ahmad, national chairman of the Council on American Islamic Relations, said at a news conference on Saturday.
“The group hasn't decided which candidate to support, but task force chairman Agha Saeed said it would weigh the candidates' positions on civil rights issues, the economy, crime prevention and education.

"We are going to hold town-hall meetings all over the United States for the community and for the candidates to engage in a dialogue where we bring ourselves up to speed on these issues and create common cause with fellow Americans," Saeed said.

“That's responsible citizenship. Whether it be a large group or simply an individual, it is incumbent upon all Americans to become familiar with political candidates -- presidential or otherwise -- and their positions on the critical issues affecting our lives.

“This is particularly true of this year's presidential campaign. Too often, people think that their vote doesn't matter, but the 2000 presidential election proved otherwise. Don't let democracy pass you by. Become familiar with the candidates and the issues, and make your voice heard in November.”


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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