The Qur'an abounds in Unsurpassed Spiritual & Scientific Knowledge
By Dr. Bashir Ahmad

Wildwood, MO The Qur'an is most concise and also multi-faceted and makes a constant demand for intelligent reflection. "Had it been from anyone other than Allah they would surely have found there is much contradiction." Qur'an 4/83 "We have revealed this book to thee, replete with excellence of every description, that they may reflect over its verses, and that those gifted with understanding may take heed." Qur'an 38/30 Ms. Manji in her book "The Trouble with Islam" has disparagingly written: "There is no single thrust in this so called perfect, indisputable and straight forward text.

The Qur'an perfection is ultimately suspect." (page 45) Manji evidently appears to be totally ignorant of the limitless treasures of spiritual and scientific knowledge in the Qur'an. Manji is a writer in attendance at the Toronto University. I suggest to her to go to the University Library and pull out textbook on Embryology by Professor Keith of the Toronto University, as well as his research paper titled "Highlights of Human Embryology in the Koran and Hadith". Professor Moore has given several references from the Holy Qur'an in this text book. Professor Moore is one of the most distinguished embryologists in the world. His textbook on embryology is running in its seventh edition.

He writes in his research paper thus: "Almost a year ago I was consulted about the meaning of certain verses in the Koran and some sayings in the hadiths which referred to human reproduction and embryological development. I was amazed at the scientific accuracy of these statements which were made in the 7th Century AD." At the end of this lengthy article he writes the following: "There are other statements in the Koran and saying in the Hadith about embryology that are meaningless to me, but very likely they will make sense later when new knowledge is developed.

The agreement I have found between statements in the Koran and saying in the Hadith may help close the gap between science and religion which has existed for so many years." I ask Manji: Is this not the strongest testimony of a very prominent Christian scientist, about the profound accuracy, veracity and authenticity of the Qur'an, divinely revealed to an unlettered Prophet Mohammad S.A.S.? "--------- Believe, then, in God and his apostle. --------- The unlettered prophet who believes in God and his words -------- and follow him, so that you might find guidance." Qur'an 7/159 Creation, Destruction and Rebirth of the Universe The Qur'an very accurately describes the creation (Big bang) its destruction (black hole) followed by rebirth (Big bang). "Do not the unbelievers see that the heaven and earth were a closed up mass (Ratqana), then we clove them asunder (Fataqna)? And we made from water every living things, will they not believe." Qur'an 21/31 Ratqana means coming together into a single entity. It also means darkness.

It is a true description of black hole. In another verse the same theme is repeated: "Remember the day when we shall roll up heavens like the rolling up of scrolls -------" Qur'an 21/105 This verse explains that the universe is not eternal. It speaks of a future when the heavens will be rolled up - a perfect description of black hole. Gravitational pull causes the stars to collapse into much smaller size. In our universe there could be many black holes as big as 3,000,000,000 solar masses. (Ref.: Telescope Science Institute (1997). Press release no. STSCI - PR 97-01, Baltimore, Maryland USA). The word Fataqna in the verse means to clove asunder. This is the accurate description of the big bang that leads to the creation of a new universe.

There are two theories about the fate of the universe. One claims that the universe will carry on expanding forever. The other theory claims that the expansion of the universe will, at sometime, be reversed because of the inward gravitational pull. References: 1. Roman C.A (1991) The Natural History of the Universe. 2. Readers Digest Universal Dictionary (1987) The Qur'an also mentions the recreation of the new universe after its destruction. "----------- As we began the first creation, so shall we repeat it; a binding on us; we shall certainly fulfill it." Qur'an 21/105 Professor Davis of the University of Adelaide and the winner of Templeton Prize, also furnishes a scientific basis for the ultimate destruction of the universe. He writes: "If the universe has a finite stock of order and is changing irreversibly towards disorder - ultimately to thermodynamic equilibrium - two very deep inferences follow immediately.

The first is that the universe will eventually die, wallowing, as it were, in its own eutropy. This is known among physicists as the 'heat death' of the universe. The second is that the universe cannot have existed forever, otherwise it would have reached its equilibrium end state, an infinite time ago. Conclusion: The universe did not always exist." (Ref: Davies P. (1990) God and the New Physics (Page 11) God is the Creator of the Universe Professor Edward Kessel, Chairman of the University of San Francisco, writes: "Life is still going on, and chemical and physical processes are still in progress, it is evident that our universe could not have existed from eternity, else it would have long since run out of useful energy and ground to halt.

Therefore, quite unintentionally, science proves that our universe had a beginning. And in so doing it proves the reality of God, for whatever had a beginning did not begin by itself but demands a prime mover, a creator, a God." (Kessel E L (1968) Let Us Look at Facts without Bent or Bias in "The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe", by Monsma (page 5) A verse from the Qur'an expresses the same theme: "And the heaven we build without own power (aydin) and indeed we go on expanding it (Musiun) Qur'an 51/48


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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