Cartoonish Extremists
By Sir Cam
Cambridge, England

I now know what the Danish flag looks like. Especially when it's on fire. I also know what the extremists (let's not bring Islam into it here) look like. Especially the pretend suicide bomber-type marching in London. And, equally, I've had a bellyful of those Liberal Extremists ranting on about "freedom of expression" as if it was an absolute value, applied to others but not to themselves. Like you, I'm sickened by the hypocrisy of it all.
But, how did we get here? I thought we had got wiser since that F-word of years ago. Haven't we gone through all this hullabaloo before? Rewind to September 1988: Rushdies Islamophobic Satanic Verses gets published. And, four months later, in February 1989 the FATWA gets issued. Fast-forward seventeen years, to 2005, and once again by some strange coincidence in September again, the Islamophobic cartoons are published. And, by another strange coincidence, four months down the line, in February 2006, all hell breaks out. Oh, will we ever learn!
Funny, if that's the right word, how Ayatollah Khomeini uttered his F-word, the famous Fatwa of death for the apostate Rushdie, on February 14, the day of love. Since then Iranian couples issue Fatwas to each other on this day instead of exchanging Valentine cards. You'd be silly to take the last sentence seriously. I resolve to exercise self-censorship next time. No, seriously, it's worth exploring this love theme a bit more. It's at the heart (that's where the love is) of this issue.
Just why are Muslims so touchy about Prophet Muhammad? What's all the fuss about? They're "only cartoons" aren't they? Actually, it's not only, or mainly, about depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This issue goes deeper, right to the core of every Muslims soul. All Muslims -- even the not so practicing ones, the drunks, the druggies, the gangsters, the fornicators -- the lot -- are touched and stirred by any slur or slander against their Rasool-Allah, Messenger of Allah (s). There is zero tolerance over this issue.
Islam is formulated around "La ilaha il-Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah": one part to do with the Oneness of God, and the other with the Prophethood of Muhammad (s). Love for Prophet Muhammad resides in every Muslims heart. Even the tiniest flicker of faith in a believer will burst into a flame when Muhammad (s) is attacked. In my Sufi mood: ask ye how the lover feels when the beloved is attacked. Intolerable!
Let's turn to the Islamic sources to understand this, then. "Say [O Prophet]: ' If you love God, follow me, [and] God will love you..." (Qur'an, 3:31-32). That is, love of God, love of Prophet Muhammad -- "La ilaha il-Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah". In the hadith we have: the Prophet (s) said: "None of you will believe until I am dearer to him than his own soul". Yes, deep down in the soul. Another saying of the Prophet (s) goes, ""None of you will believe until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father and all people".
According to Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (s) is the perfect human being, the best role model, the only one to be emulated in every deed or action. In the Qur'an (68:4) he is mentioned as "khuluqin 'azim", the one with "tremendous character". Again, "Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) (uswatun hasanah)" (33:21). And, Muhammad is a mercy for mankind -- rahmatalil alameen -- (21:107). The believers praise and bless the Prophet (s), every time his name is mentioned (my abbreviation 's': sallalaho alaihi wasallam) and generally as well (see 33:56).
Such Qur'anic verses and hadith emphasize the place of Prophet Muhammad (s) in every Muslims heart and daily life. So, it doesn't take much to appreciate how Muslims feel when they read, see or hear their beloved Rasool-Allah (s) being insulted. The hurt, the offence pierces through their very being.
At another level, many Muslims are beginning to perceive themselves as the new Jews of the West (remember the medieval inquisitions, the pogroms, the holocaust?). They and their faith can be insulted, attacked with impunity. Islamophobia is the order of the day. However, Muslims themselves have a fair bit of work to do as images of violent reaction and inflammatory protests don't help their cause.
What now? Ringo Starr where are you? "Oh I can get by with a little help from my friends" [and foes, I might add]. A little respect, understanding, and sensitivity all around would help.
Deep breath, please! Freedom of expression doesn't mean hurling gratuitous insults against a whole people nor protesting insensitively or violently. That is freedumb. At the end of the day, it is bridge-building that we need rather than burning the bridges and links between our different communities. Finally, Islam: peace!



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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