The Darfur Tragedy and the Apathy of the Muslim World
By Abubakr G. Shaikh
Westerville ,Ohio

The blood-thirsty and the much feared Sudanese militia, known as Janjawed, has been trained by the Sudanese army with the explicit purpose of ridding Darfur villages of black Muslims. They race their camels and machinegun- mounted trucks through the villages, shooting indiscriminately at the helpless and unarmed villagers. These barbaric butchers are aided by helicopter gun ships to maximize the terror and mayhem so that none could dare to return. Men, women and children are virtually mowed down without mercy. When the mayhem is complete, the victims’ bodies are dismembered, sprayed with oil and burnt alongside their huts. The livestock and young women are spared to be taken away as the war booty. The women are routinely kidnapped, raped and enslaved as serfs and domestic servants. They tend the farms and cattle of the brown skinned Arabs and satisfy their lust and give birth to the Arab progeny to replace the black population.
Slavery is an ugly blot on the Islamic faith. Despite the immense compassion shown by the holy Prophet, peace be upon him, for the oppressed, poor and children, it is an irony that slavery is still part of the Sharia. The glorious Qur’an says: “O mankind We have created you from a single male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily the most honorable in you in the sight of Allah is that who has At-Taqwa (pious and righteous person) who fear Allah much and love Allah much.”(49.13). Color, creed or caste, does not distinguish a person from the other in Islam and given that all people are born equal how could slavery be justified?
The Darfurians have a valid claim on their sacred lands from where they are being consistently and systematically uprooted. They are the original natives, not the Arabs whose forefathers came to the region with a noble cause: delivering the message of peace and not to rule or drive the Darfurians away from their homelands .They were received well by their hosts and they in turn served them well. However, their descendents have followed a path of savagery, prejudice and hate, breaking every rule of civility, all principles of humanity, and the basic tenets of Islam.
The merciless genocide has gone on unchecked for the past two years and while the actual death toll is difficult to estimate, close to 200,000 innocent people have been butchered in this worst scenario of ethnic cleansing according to some sources - the biggest carnage after Rwanda and Bosnia. More than two million have been rendered homeless. Milovesic must have been wondering in his grave what did he do to deserve the Hague trial! The United Nations’ duplicity and double standards are also evident from the fact that it actively got involved in East Timur and Sudan’s other conflict based on religion with its southern region whereas in this conflict based on color prejudice there are no signs of urgency on the part of the world body. The world remains cool and impassive because of global oil interests tainted with the blood of the innocent Darfurians.
In their quest to complete the annihilation of black Muslims, Sudan’s army supported by its notorious militia, continues to chase and attack refugee camps inside the neighboring country Chad. Sudan is also accused by the president of Chad to be actively involved in its nefarious activities to destabilize his regime by providing aid to rebels to instigate a revolt in Chad. The aim is to install a proxy government, which in collaboration with Sudan, will wipe out the entire black Muslim population of Darfur. The only crime of these unfortunate and helpless people is the color of their skin and their Islamic faith, Islam, whose basic tenets call for eradication of all kind of prejudices. How much longer can they endure and keep their faith in Islam? Perhaps they must already be thinking of other options for their survival while the Islamic world remains unmoved. Its silence and indifference is staggering. The catastrophe is of a colossal nature, but it has not moved the hearts of the 1.2 billion Muslims of the world who only recently reacted violently to the much less critical issue of the cartoon controversy. The entire Muslim community from one end of the globe to the other, erupted in furor, over-reacting to the controversy in a manner that seemed to suggest that Islam was in eminent danger. The irrational behavior led to many deaths of innocent citizens, loss of property and revenue, and contra-productive results in the form of severe criticism on the conduct of Muslims by the international press. However, not a single protest march took place on the massacre and carnage of 200,000 Muslims at the hand of fellow Muslims in Darfur.
One wonders about the priorities of the Ummah. The Qur’an is very specific on resolving disputes and making reconciliation between two Islamic factions. Allah has ordained: “And if two parties or groups among the believers fall into fighting ,then make peace between them both and if one of them rebels against the other then fight you against the one that which rebels till it complies with the command of Allah then if it complies then make reconciliation between them justly and be equitable”(49: 9,10)
Every big fire starts with a small spark, each movement is the brainchild of an individual and eventually transforms into a revolution, every hurricane develops from the buildup of winds and waves. Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist and champion of the oppressed people around the world, has tirelessly raised awareness on the Darfur genocide in the past two years. The spark now seems to have developed into a sizeable flame. Here in the United States, with the steady involvement of the common people, religious leaders, organizations, human rights activists, college and universities students - the flame is getting larger every day. In contrast to the Muslim world’s apathy, the Jewish, Evangelical, Armenian and human rights organizations are in the forefront of building alliances, pressure and lobbying groups to get the administration involved in ending the genocide in Darfur. I had counted more than 60 nationwide Jewish organizations’ names which sponsored a full-page protest in the Columbus Dispatch, the leading newspaper of Ohio on the insensitivity of the Bush administration to the Darfur genocide. I am sure similar protest ads must have appeared in all major newspapers nationwide. The Jews’ sensitivity reflects their having suffered the worst genocide in human history. This movement is gathering momentum and now has reached colleges and universities, churches and synagogues. These groups also arranged a million march to Capital Hill. No name of any Muslim organization appeared in the protest march nor any public statements appeared on the subject in any newspaper.
Some hopes have started to build as there are indications that president Bush might take an initiative to involve UN troops in Darfur yet nothing concrete has emerged so far. Meanwhile, Sudan has successfully persuaded South Africa to stay for six more months in Darfur and delay in handing over charge to the UN. What sinister motive is behind this move is not clear yet.
One regrets the snail-pace response of the UN and the confounding apathy of the Muslim world to the unfolding tragedy.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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