Invitation to Flirt
By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Westridge, Rawalpindi

On the front page of a leading newspaper appeared a king size quarter page ad showing a sensually provocative mod girl in pyjamas chatting on a lap top while the text of the ad reads “---- so you can make more friends all day all night”, then “FLIRT” is written in a big bold suggestive font, and the ad concludes with, “Now you literally won’t be able to sleep!”.
What is going on here -- make friends all day all night --- FLIRT --- literally won’t be able to sleep?! Is it not an attempt to waylay our young ones? Could there be anything more inviting for our teenagers to indulge in outright flirtation? I am no obscurantist; on the contrary, a widely travelled and quite enlightened moderate, but even I find it hard and repulsive to allow a paper in my house with an ad promoting such permissiveness.
Will someone take a notice of it, please?


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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