Protest or Hate Demonstration at Labor Day Rally

By Arif Kazmi , PE , PhD
Chandler , AZ  


This Labor Day, September 4, 2006, I wanted to be a part of the celebration of workers, builders and professionals of Arizona .  Thus, I took my children  and the rest of the family to the Phoenix Labor Day rally.  I was glad to see the thousands of rally attendees exhibiting the usual American spirit and some protesters, too, against the rallyas protest is an American right. 

As soon as the  US  flag was hoisted and the national anthem was played, several of these protesters moved towards the back of the stage to a group of children and families who were lined up at the curb waving US flags.  Astonishingly, the protesters began yelling at the children, telling them they were no better than animals. It was shocking to observe adult protesters wagging accusatory fingers and screaming curse words at children and their families. These protesters exhibited such ugly meanness, kicking down crosses and screaming obscene slogans.  

I was stunned to experience the hate expressed by the adult protesters against children and families.  The unbelievable, threatening behavior of these protesters, who also claimed that they protect our borders, makes me question about how they may be treating people they come across while patrolling the borders.

Any  advice to the so-called border protectors who acted so appallingly is likely to fall on deaf ears, so I appeal to the parents of the children so accosted, to continue to teach their children  to be tolerant and help them forget this  ugly incident.  Let them know there are many who are embarrassed by the attack they withstood.  Otherwise this will become an everlasting scar of memory in their minds that will be most dangerous for the future of our society.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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