

Mountbatten’s Bloodied Sunset
By Dr. Khan Dawood L. Khan
Chicago, IL

I found Dr. Ahmad Faruqui’s article “Mountbatten’s Bloodied Sunset” (Opinion, 7 September) quite interesting. Coming as it did soon after the 60th anniversary of partition, it was a relevant reminder. I read it in light of my own articles in Pakistan Link two years ago, covering essentially the same period from both Indo-Pak sides and the British (even American, which was minimal but revealing):
(i) “The Third Side of the Partition Coin” (5 August 05)
and (ii) a 5-part series, “Partition Players’ Politics” starting 9 September 05
and ending on 14 October 05
It also tell us how still fresh are the wounds.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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