The Derogation of Pakistan as an Islamic State
By Imran H Khan S

Videos and media stories only become popular if they fall into one of two categories: Either they are so good that it’s a must watch, read affair; or they are so horrific in their subject and content matter that it becomes an impulsive yet conversely a repulsive attraction that somehow appeals to an extremely dark section of our human psyche.
The viral marketing of a mobile camera film that shows a young girl from Swat being publicly flogged with her so-called brother and family complicit in her public humiliation and abuse made headlines all across the world. So much so that the President and PM of Pakistan were forced into issuing an immediate condemnation of this barbaric atrocity.
On a very personal level one felt that in a very contorted way this was almost akin to watching a zealous act of sacrificial offering on the alters of some pagan religion.
Apparently this is Islam in accordance to the Sharia, which the Pakistani government has allowed to come into full legitimacy in the tribal regions!
This is the image that the world will utilize in its formulation of Islam, its philosophy, jurisprudence and its message, which most people equate with The Qur’an.
The question that has to be asked now is whether the outside non-Muslim world is justified in its condemnations of Islam and its message?
Thus far the public image of Islam has been almost cultivated by the mass media to show scruffy, uneducated bearded men roaming around with rocket launchers and AK47’s.
We the Muslim Umma baulk at these images and cry wolf at the share audacity of these predominantly Western media outlets to depict us in this barbaric manner. “This is a Zionist plot to discredit our faith and peoples, we the Muslims may carry arms in some parts of the world but the majority is not like that. Some are poor yet pious and integrated into their respective national identities; whilst others are educated professionals, honest, sincere, religious yet devoted to their families and contributing members to a global society and family of humanity.”
That is what we the so-called Muslims believe!
We are the victims, we are being hounded and sacrificed like dogs, we are suffering, the West is responsible for all our woes, etc., etc.
However, what is the reality of the situation? Are we really the Muslims that The Qur’an describes? Do we resemble the qualities and character of the ‘Sahaba’ the companions of the prophet?
If anyone feels that they can answer these questions in the affirmative then they are severely deluded to the truth. At this current juncture of time and space one would be extremely reluctant to categorize any of the so-called dominant Islamic ideologies as representing the true word of God and His messenger. These ideologies do not even classify their adherents to be Muslims; they classify themselves to be either Sunni (majority) or Shia (Minority). Thus we have two separate religious practices that resemble a form of Islamic thought but are in all reality like chalk and cheese. This example can be further qualified by comparing it to both Catholism and Protestantism. These two philosophies may resemble in a remote manner the teachings of Jesus (‘Isa) (PBUH) but they do not reflect his message because he just like Mohammad (PBUH) did not seek to divide. All the messengers of God strived for one main goal above else and that is the process of ‘Tawhid’, the oneness in both belief and action.
Thus how does this relate to the aforementioned crime that was undertaken by a Sunni sect with full support from the government of Pakistan?
Allah sbt informs us in stern words through his ayat in The Noble Qur’an:
‘As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no part in them in the least…” (6:159)
Therefore, the customs being implemented by this particular Sunni proponent does not originate in The Noble Qur’an or from the message of the prophet. This is a sectarian ideology, which God Almighty has quite openly condemned. For God Almighty gives us examples of previous generation who fell into similar schisms and went astray:
“And We gave them (Israelites) a clear code of life. It was only after the knowledge had come to them that they fell into schisms through mutual envy. Verily thy Rabb will judge between them on the Day of Judgement in respect of that in which they differed. Then We put thee (O Mohammad (PBUH) on the right way of life, so follow that (way) and follow not the desires of those who know not.” (45:17-18)
I would challenge any scholar, any Sheik or student of Islam who can find for me any ayat in The Noble Quran that is correctly translated to show Allah, The Merciful, and The Beneficent to have ordained a punishment upon a young helpless girl to be whipped in public on the account of hearsay and no evidence. These barbaric traditions and practices are exactly what the message of Islam was sent to eradicate.
Thus these sectarian groups who masquerade as Muslims purporting to represent Islam are in effect nothing but:
“…Jinns and men we have made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle – nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning).” (7:179)

Therefore, one is extremely disappointed at the Pakistani government for caving into the demands of a sectarian group that is deviant to Islam and is yet afforded the opportunity to establish their own laws and customs in a country that was created under the aegis of Islam and The Holy Qur’an.
This, their version of the Sharia law, which has been implemented in the North West Region, does not originate from The Noble Qur’an because no such punishment as stated above is ever proscribed by The Lord.
Therefore, on reflection could it be a case in point that the entire Muslim world is in complete turmoil and destruction not because of a Zionists agenda or a Christian Crusade or the New World Order but simply because Allah sbt is actually carrying out his warning and promise:
“…The (wrath of) Allah came to them from quarters from which they little expected (it), and cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their dwellings by their own hands…” (59:2)
Are we not witnessing this very ayat in Pakistan at the present moment?
This is retribution by Allah sbt for abrogating and changing His word. Creating junctures and customs that He did not enforce upon us.
The Sharia or fiqh is the religious promulgation if it is in accordance with the divine revelation for Allah sbt sums it up best when He states:
“For their (false) attribution (of superstitions to Allah), He will soon punish them: For He is full of wisdom and knowledge.
Lost are those who slay their children, from folly, without knowledge, and forbid food which Allah hath provided for them, inventing (lies) against Allah. They have indeed gone astray and heeded no guidance.” (7:139-140)



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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