A Leader Is Born- 2
By Hamid Maker
Karachi, Pakistan


Now that Imran Khan has made his first major debut on the political stage of Pakistan, he should not be carried away with its success. Gathering a massive crowd for a julsa is one thing, but getting people to come out and exercise their right to vote on election day, is a different ball game altogether.

Therefore, the Great Khan should keep both his feet firmly on the ground and not shoot for the moon, as Delhi dur ast.

He needs a series of these julsas both in Punjab and Sindh to ensure success. His biggest challenge will be to repeat these performances in Karachi and other cities of the province, which are the stronghold of PPP and its allies and they will not go down without a fight.

There is already a ‘Get Imran’ campaign, with ‘Why people should not vote for Imran Khan’ messages through the Internet, SMS and articles and letters in the electronic and print media.

Some of these questions are very relevant and probe IK’s egoistic nature, his stand on Shariat laws, women’s rights, support for the Taliban, religious parties, etc.

These questions have also been raised in the blog page of PTI’s website, http://www.insaf.pk/Media/InsafBlog/tabid/168/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2412/Where-PTI-stands.aspx.

As one blogger has stated: ‘Past months have been very turbulent, especially for those from Swat and neighbouring regions. The so-called soft or apologetic stance of PTI on the Taliban issue has not only caused immense criticism on the party, it has also damaged the party’s reputation as a platform of upright ideology and leadership’.

AF, another close friend of mine, has also voiced his concern and asks, ‘Although Imran’s popularity is infectious, I still wonder if he is the right man for the job. My major problem with him is how sincere he is really. He leads the life of a hypocrite, like ZAB. He does not practice what he preaches. Also, I wonder about his competence and intellect to run the country’.

IK should therefore remove these apprehensions and answer them with frankness and honesty. He should also refrain from the ‘song and dance’ routine that now seems to be part of our politics, as it diminishes the importance and serious business of governance.

The PTI chief should also be wary of the Trojan Horse bearing gifts from glib talking, ‘holier than thou’, fawning pawns and dropouts from other political parties. They will come flocking to his side, praising him to high heaven and promising their undying loyalty to the party, but they will betray him and destroy his credibility.

IK should not appoint friends or family members to senior positions in government, based on friendship and cronyism nor corrupt individuals or those with murky backgrounds, as this would destroy his integrity.

However, Imran should not discard his loyal supporters who have stuck with him through thick and thin. He should recognize them, by appointing them as founder members of PTI and giving them honorary, senior positions in his kitchen cabinet, with the responsibility to ensure that the credibility of PTI is not compromised in any way.

He should also announce the plans on how he will tackle the major issues facing the country and how he will introduce austerity measures in the government. He should make a commitment to the nation that he and his PM will move out of the Presidential and Prime Minister Houses and convert these palatial buildings into museums or national libraries.

And if elected, he will ban the use of luxury cars in government and reduce the perks and mercs that the ministers enjoy and remove the thousands of parasites that have been gnawing away at the foundations of this nation for six decades.

He should not worry about the opposition stealing his plans, for even if they do, they have lost their credibility and the nation no longer trusts them. But at the same time, he should not become proud and arrogant and isolate himself in an ivory tower.

Above all, he should act according to the dictates of his conscience and do the right thing. He should not lie or compromise his values and principles, for if he does so, then he will sow the seeds of greed into his party.

He must remember that he is the nation’s last chance and the citizens, especially the youth of Pakistan, have placed their dreams at his feet, so he must tread softly and with care, as he treads on their dreams.

As my friend, SB has requested: ‘IK and his team won Pakistan the World Cup. I hope that he and his team will repeat the performance and this time put Pakistan on the Word Stage of the League of Nations, as a proud, progressive, tolerant and liberal nation’.

If he betrays the nation like our past leaders, then it would be the cruelest cut of all and the tsunami that could sweep him into the Presidential Palace, could also sweep him into the ocean.

And if he loses the elections, for they will use every dirty book in the game, including vote fixing and vote tampering, he should not lose heart, as it is better to lose honorably and with dignity, rather than to compromise on principles and allow failed and corrupt ministers, politicians and bureaucrats into the party. Remember, man proposes, but God disposes.

Using the last words of Julius Caesar, who was betrayed by his friend Brutus and Gen. Musharraf’s last words in his speech to the nation, ‘Et tu Imran, then Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz’.

PS: I wish to dispel any impression that I am joining PTI, as I am not, despite the fact that five of the top senior Executive Committee members of PTI are friends of mine.

However, as per Helpline Trust’s policy, I am committed to support any political party, NGO or individual, whose objectives are to promote good governance and improve the quality of life of the citizens.

Up to now, I have participated in all the elections held in Pakistan and have always lodged my protest in big, black capital words, NONE OF THE ABOVE.

But presently, PTI seems to be the only party in the country which is working on a national basis and not using the various Sindh, Punjab or ethnic cards and gimmicks to woo the voters, as such I might change my stand this time.

- trust@helplinetrust.org


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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