Diversity vs Conformity
By Mowahid Hussain Shah

The common refrain is that America is a remarkably diverse culture, in which diversity flourishes. Does it?
Yes, there is ethnic diversity, religious diversity, racial diversity, and geographical diversity. Cleavages are painfully clear on disparities in treatment of black and white citizens and law-and-order expectations. But on particular key issues, is there a diversity of thought and speech in mainstream society? The evidence would suggest not.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed the Republican National Convention from the internationally-disputed city of Jerusalem. In doing so, he likely violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that bars federal employees from certain political activities. It also violated applicable State Department rules, which forbid partisan positions. US Secretaries of State are supposed to be above the political fray.
Pompeo’s Jerusalem speech carries legal and ethical implications. Under existing international law and applicable UN resolutions, specifically 242, Jerusalem is treated as an occupied territory, notwithstanding the shift of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Most in Washington who speak on the Middle East draw from stale, canned content. Despite all the liberal carping at the Trump administration, there is conspicuous silence by coastal elites, who dominate American thought processes, on the inappropriateness of a US foreign minister playing political football at the hub of the world’s biggest flashpoint because of domestic political gain to himself and his boss.
In vivid contrast, across the Atlantic in Britain, there is a more varied display of ideas evidenced in columns of newspapers such the Guardian and the Independent, as well as BBC. A cursory glance at US network TV news of CBS, ABC, and NBC conveys sameness of perspective and in placement of stories.
Under the make-up of cosmetic diversity, hides conformity. There is a dread in America of floating ideas or utterances which are even mildly controversial and unfashionable, and can elicit a push-back. Hovering over it is a ‘cancel culture.’ Meaning, that someone who strays from the approved script is subject to opprobrium, boycott, job dismissal, and de-legitimization.
For example, stigmatizing gay behavior was common in the 20th century. In a remarkable reversal of fortune, making homophobic slurs in the 21st century is tantamount to professional suicide.
From 1789 to date, America has seen 45 male Presidents, but not a single female. But now, in 2020 USA, there is a chilling effect that curbs even legitimate scrutiny of a top female political candidate, lest it unleash a condemnatory avalanche.
On Iran, the US stands isolated in the United Nations over its unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to which Iran, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Germany, and the EU are also signatories. The International Atomic Energy Agency has explicitly stated that Iran was “voluntarily providing IAEA with access to the two locations specified by the IAEA and facilitating the IAEA activities.” The formalizing of Trump-brokered UAE-Israel ties, because of its underlying common thread of anti-Iran animus and sidelining of Palestinian aspirations, has not evoked critique from Democrat circles. Unsurprisingly, Washingtonian intelligentsia remains silent or silenced, arguably over fears of antagonizing an influential constituency. So, in effect, on this consequential issue, Mr Trump and his Democrat opponents are on the same page.
Sometimes, ‘the same page’ mantra means follow-the-crowd and abandonment of one’s own independent judgment. Conformity can quash conscience and suppress Kalma-e-Haq. Herd mentality expands where there is a limited information pool to draw upon. Courage, confidence, and convictions take a hit when the easy, safe, and profitable option is to take the path of least resistance so as to copy others, not risking displeasure.
Conformity can lead to the unquestioning following of a sordid route and can (and has) led to unimaginable atrocities. Most recent is the genocide committed by ‘peace-loving’ Buddhists of Burma against its Rohingya Muslims. Ditto, in Modi’s hate-fueled India.
There can be a purpose in pain if remedial steps are taken. Real diversity is a shield against majoritarian tyranny. Conformity can become a threat to democracy.


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