Rainbow of Hope
Artist Tabinda Chinoy
By Fatima S. Khan
In her paintings,
Tabinda portrays intelligence and exuberance an
idealistic universality and commonality, pertaining
to motherhood, spirituality and that wonderful sense
of “hope” a common thread that transcends
all boundaries, the viewer is glad to join in this
colorful journey of hope and happiness.
She lives in Karachi, a city where distinguished
artists like her are appreciated and applauded for
their talents.
Her townhouse is situated on a beautiful tree lined
street, as you step in, the living room walls are
lined with not only her own artwork but the most
notable artists like Sadequin,Chughtai and Jamil
Naqsh. Scanning her priceless collection of artwork
is a real treat. Furthermore as you step into the
peaceful back yard in the background you see walls,
draped with lush green ivy and in the forefront
is the sparkling pool and numerous sculptures, each
unique in size and shape molded with different materials
like, marble, fiberglass and copper. Each one is
masterfully sculpted using indigenous materials
to explore the creative process and working methods.
Her sculptures vary in from male, female to a child,
she experiments each form with the choice of materials
like marble, fiberglass and copper.
Tabinda has a confident and vivacious personality
she idealizes the world to exist in harmony, regardless
of the differences in religions, color or race,
as she reflects such idealism in her artwork. Her
most prominent painting, a magnificent portrayal
of cityscape, a cluster of colorful towers mosques,
churches, synagogues and temples, is a magical realism.
Using a strong color Palette for domes and turrets,
suggesting synagogues, churches mosques and temples,
overlapping and embracing each other-----where she
has brilliantly captured the proportions and the
cheerful bright colors represent “Hope, Happiness
and Unity”. The small checkerboard pattern
suggests the childhood memory of her home where
she learnt to respect and embrace all religions
and all people.
Tabinda’s under water paintings express a
sense of freedom from worries, there is a resemblance
to Marc Chagall, a Russian born French painter.
Whereas Chagall’s paintings depict an afterlife
experience, inspired from his wife’s death.
Here Tabinda is more in the present and the hopeful
future, which is suffused with peace and tranquility.
The image of a female face with closed eyes, a touch
of spirituality indirectly leads the viewer, whether
our fates are pre-determined or we have the will
to break free of the mundane, equating freedom with
choice. Choice even in mundane matters embodies
a larger ideal. Choice enables us to live the life
we want to.
Furthermore, the fishes are representational of
free spirit, light heartedness, grateful openness
to life and subtleties that unite the humans. Floating
fishes, green pastures; rising moon, every image
is effervescent and spontaneous, it has an underlying
message of hope, giving a distinct visual signature.
Sunflowers are indigenous to the region of Sindh,
this painting resembles Vincent Van Gogh’s
famous painting “Sunflowers”, which
he painted in the small town of Arles in France.
Tabinda’s sunflowers are vibrant in color
full bloom sign of hope and happiness both go hand
in hand.

FLoating woman

Tabinda Chinoy with her bronze sculpture 'Mother
and child'


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