Decrees about Dhikr in the Qur’an
Compiled by Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen
The human being is prone to forgetfulness. Sometimes in our day-to-day lives, this quality that lies within us is not appreciated. Sometimes things are hard to forget, other times we forget things that we might not even want to. Forgetfulness may be frustrating, but in some instances it is a mercy – women forget the pains of childbirth, men forget the pain of injury, and our memories of harsh events and even tragedies wane over time. It is through forgetfulness often that we learn to forgive.
Perhaps most noteworthy of all is that the Arabic word for the human being or mankind is Insan which in its root form is the word Nisyan , a word that literally means “forgetfulness”. From this we can understand that the forgetfulness within us is part of our original and most excellent design. Allah, The Most High, has created the human being in the most excellent manner as evidenced in Al-Qur’an:
Indeed, We created humans in the best form .
(Qur’an 95:4)
Allah has created everything in the universe in balance. To forget is an aspect of the human being, and that is balanced by our need and ability ‘to remember’. Our ability to remember is accomplished by steadfastness and repetition. This is firmly rooted and demonstrated within the Qur’an itself, where Dhikr (remembrance of God) in all of its grammatical forms, is reiterated consistently. In fact, the root Arabic words dhāl kāf rā ( ذ ك ر ) occur in some form of the word in the Holy Qur’an 292 times.
The human being needs constant reminders. Allah has ordained reminders and remembrance as part of our existence as human beings. In our lives when our parents, teachers, or authority figures tell us to remember something, we note that it is important. We note that it is relevant, and we note that it will have a positive impact in our lives. The truth of remembrance in the Holy Qur’an is most profound. Within the Holy Qur’an itself, Dhikr is not only mentioned repeatedly, but its necessity and importance is explained in detail for the human being. The Holy Qur’an explains how reading, understanding, and reflecting on the words of Allah is the most excellent manner of pleasing Him.
Dhikr – is what Allah specifies that the Qur’an is
This (the Qur’an) is no less than a dhikr for all the worlds . (38: 49)
- Allah refers to the Holy Qur’an as ‘Adh-dhikr’ i.e. ‘The Remembrance’ or ‘The Reminder’ in as many as 55 places in the Holy Qur’an.
Dhikr – Is the Promise of Allah of What He Will Do for Humankind
Then remember Me, I will remember you . (2:152)
- Allah tells us in the Holy Qur’an how remembrance of Him is reciprocated. SubhanAllah!
Dhikr – Is What Is Contained in The Qur’an
Ṣãad. By the Qur’an, full of reminders! (38:1)
- Allah tells us in the Holy Qur’an how His signs and ordainments are repeated which thereby helps us remember.
Dhikr – Is an Action Ordained for the Believers
O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance . (33:41)
- Allah instructs the believers of our duty to Him.
Dhikr – Recommended Times
Oh Believers! Remember Allah abundantly, and glorify Him in the morning and evening . (33:41-42)
- The Holy Qur’an instructs us of the best times to perform Dhikr – also indicating times that we are most likely to be in a state of serenity and can therefore concentrate on remembering Him.
Dhikr –Procedures to Follow
And remember your Lord within yourself in humility and in fear without being apparent in speech – in the mornings and the evenings. And do not be among the heedless . (7: 205)
- This verse from the Holy Qur’an lists a number of protocols that the believer should be mindful of when going through the Dhikr process. In addition, it is a line of verse from a larger, more complete thought that ends in verse 211, which tells the believer they will end in Sujood (prostration) – which is complete submission to their Lord. Here, this verse explains that we should come to Dhikr:
- “within yourself”– from our own intention and soul
- “in humility” – in a state of humbleness and modesty
- “in fear” – being genuinely concerned that our Dhikr is correct
- “without being apparent in speech’ – quiet and reflective
- ‘in the morning and the evenings” – best times
- “Do not be among the heedless” – be fully aware of the Dhikr and its significance
Dhikr – Perform in All Circumstances
People who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides and contemplate the (wonders of) creation (3:191).
- The Holy Qur’an is making it plain that Dhikr is not only easy, but can easily be included within our lives throughout our day-to-day, or even moment-to-moment living, because it does not have the same formality as a Fard (obligatory) prayer.
Dhikr – Benefits in This Life
Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah, for without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction (13;28)
- Dhikr offers satisfaction to the human being. It is a way to calm the heart and senses when we are not only troubled, but confused, happy, or even in awe of the magnificence of Allah, The Most High.
Dhikr – Benefits in the Hereafter
And for men and women who engage much in Allah’s remembrance. For them has Allah prepared forgiveness and a great reward . (33;35)
- The Holy Qur’an reminds and teaches us that doing Dhikr has much benefit for us on the Day of Judgement and thus, doing Dhikr is something that we should take seriously.
May Allah make us of those who remember Allah much. Ameen.