Book Review: Way to the Qur’an
Sound Vision Staff Writer
How many of us have not grown up witnessing the reverential treatment Muslims give to the Qur’an? Whether it's tying it up in fancy cloth and placing it on the topmost shelf in the closet, or kissing it and begging for Allah's forgiveness if it is accidentally dropped? On the surface, it seems, Muslims have a great respect for the Qur’an. But sadly, this respect does not always extend to the message it contains. Days, weeks and months may go by before we read Qur’an on a regular basis, let alone apply its teachings in our daily lives. The Qur’an in the closet may be dusted regularly, but not opened and read as often.
Enter Khurrum Murad's Way to the Qur’an.
This 144-page easy-to-read book proposes a revolution in the way many Muslims have been treating and approaching the Qur’an for too long.
“Can the Qur’an, again, be a living, relevant force, as powerful for us now, 1,400 years away, as it was then?” asks Murad.
For the late author, who was the Director General of the Islamic Foundation in the UK and was actively involved with Jama'at Islami Pakistan, one of the country's foremost Islamic movements, the answer is a resounding Yes.
But unlike other books which may try to further this goal only by discussing the point in detailed jargon, Murad uses a much more practical approach.
He talks about the attitude and motives that have to be brought in approaching the Qur’an - after all, this is not just any book.
He emphasizes putting your heart into reading this message from Allah. Murad gives you the rules of reading the Qur’an, provides you with tips on how to study it, outlines general principles for understanding the message, and warns about the risks involved in embarking on a personal study while advising how to avoid them.
But this discussion on the method does not omit an emphasis on living the message.
“Reading the Qur’an will be of little benefit to you, it may even bring misery and harm, unless you, from the first moment, begin to change and reconstruct your life in total surrender to God who has given you the Qur’an,” warns Murad on page 111.
And to top all of this information off, he provides you with a syllabus you, a Halaqa or an Islamic class can follow for one year to improve and increase your understanding of the Qur’an.
Let Way to the Qur’an show you or someone you love how to take the Qur’an off the shelf and bring it into the heart.
Order Way to the Qur’an through the Sound Vision website.