Book & Author
Hakim Muhammed Said: Nuristan
By Dr Ahmed S. Khan
Chicago, IL
Billions of people have come and gone in the world, but very few have touched hearts and minds of masses by their great work in the areas of medicine, philanthropy, social work, and education; Hakim Mohammed Said sahib (9 January 1920, Delhi – 17 October 1998, Karachi), like his elder brother Hakim Abdul Hameed sahib (1908 - 1999) aka BaRaay Hakim sahib, founder of Hamdard, belonged to this rare and unique group of people who spent their entire lives serving humanity.
Hakim Said sahib’s contributions transformed the young nation of Pakistan into a dynamic country. His intellectual work took many forms: literary gatherings known as Sham-e-Hamdard held at various national and international venues; Radio talks (Qur’an e Hakim aur Hamari Zindagi); and illuminating writings such as essays, articles, stories, and books, spread over hundreds of thousands of pages. He wrote for all groups of people, children, boys, girls, adults, and elderly. Hakim sahib authored, co-authored, complied and edited over two hundred books and journals, in English and Urdu, covering a wide spectrum of topics: Islam, Education, Pakistan, Science, Medicine and Health, Travels, Children Literature, and Tibb-e-Unani (Greco-Arab medicine). Hakim sahib also served as the editor of journals like Hamdard Islamicus, Hamdard Medicus, Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society Historicus, Hamdard Sehat and Hamdard Naunehal (Children’s magazine). Some of his most popular books include:
- Religion, Islamic Studies, Islamic Law, Education and Literature
- Nuristan (Radio speeches on Quran-e-Hakim & our lives:1987)
- The Employer And the Employee: Islamic Concept (1972)
- Islamic Concept of State (Published in 1983)
- Essays on Islam (Four Volumes)
- Voice of Morality (1985)
- Man—The World—Peace
- Main Currents of Contemporary Thought In Pakistan (2 Volumes)
- Al-Biruni: His Time, Life And Works (1981)
- Diseases of Liver: Greco-Arab Concepts (1982)
- Cardiovascular Diseases: Greco-Arab Concepts (1983)
- Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine (1969)
- Oral Health (1994)
- Medicine In China (1965)
- Pharmacy and Medicine Thru The Ages (1969)
- Traditional Greco-Arab And Modern Western Medicine: Conflict and Symbiosis (1975)
- Pakistan Encyclopedia Planta Medica (2 Volumes, 1986)
- Medicinal Herbal (2 volumes, 1997)
- Ethics For Medics (1997)
- Love and Peace (1990)
- The Greatest Man (Published in 1991)
- A Primer of Health for Children of the World (1993)
Hakim Said sahib was one of a kind, full of compassion, vision, and intellect. He received his BEMS, from the Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbi College, Delhi (1940), and Doctorate in Pharmacy, from Ankara University, Turkey (1952). Hakim sahib was an institution builder ( Hamdard Waqf, Karachi and Dhaka, Hamdard Laboratories, Karachi and Dhaka, Hamdard University campus Madianat-al-Hikmah) for the service and growth of society. People like him are becoming extinct in society.
Reflecting on the simple life Hakim sahib lived, Prof. Manzooruddin Ahmad, former Vice Chancellor of Karachi University, observed, “He was a 'darwesh', an ascetic. He slept on the ground, rising at 4 a.m. to say his prayers and study the Holy Qur'an. He had few personal possessions and used all his funds for altruistic works.”
Reflecting on the unique personality of Hakim sahib, Mukhtar Zaman, a distinguished journalist, observes: “Hakim Mohammed Said was one of those rare personalities who are born in centuries. He talked less about the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah but followed more the advice given by him: ‘Work, work and more work’, the Quaid had said, and Hakim Said did so every day meticulously. The Quaid laid the foundation of an independent state. The Hakim took the earliest opportunity to leave his revered brother, prosperous home, near and dear ones in Delhi, and migrated to this country. He came almost empty-handed and built a fortune. The Quaid made a fervent appeal for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan. Hakim Mohammed Said did not waste his time at all and devoted every moment of his life to heal the sick and to make Pakistan's tomorrow better than today. He tried to improve the education and social system and laid the foundation of Madinat al-Hikmah. Truly, he was a man of action, not of words. His life and work are brilliant and inspiring examples that must be followed by the present and future generations” (Hakim Mohammed Said, From Hamdard Delhi to Hamdard Pakistan, Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said: Remembered, Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan, 1999).
Nuristan is a collection of articles based on Hakim sahib’s talks on Radio Pakistan. The book has thirteen sections covering an array of topics: Basic concepts of Islam, The Light of the Qur’an, Mercy for Mankind, The Servant and the Lord, The Blessings of Ramadan, Knowledge and Wisdom, Self-Purification and Righteous Action, The Cultural Values of Islam, Man and Society, The Voice of Morality, Social Evils, The Character of True Believers, and Health and Human Life. The first edition of Nuristan was published in 1987, by the Hamdard Foundation, Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan.
In Nuristan, Hakim sahib has illustrated how the challenges of the modern age could be addressed viz a viz the framework of Islam. The introduction of the book states: “As the world progresses towards modernization and enters the space age, life becomes more complicated, a part of the old order vanishes, rapid changes create imbalances and finally the harmony of life is damaged. People all over the world are subject to the over-increasing process of change, break-up and reconstruction, yet the impact of these pressures is more pronounced in Pakistan and the rest of the Third World. How can the harmony of life be held together? Hakim Mohmmed Said firmly believes that values of life based on the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah are conducive to harmonious life. Moreover, they are time-honored and progressive, hence valid for all people and all times. In the light of his convictions, he has based his radio-talks — a much loved program of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation — on Islamic values. His talks are within the context of realities. They are to the point, practical and encouraging. They are studded with suitable quotations from Holy Texts. The unity is maintained by an unobtrusive note running throughout the book, that energy derived from the Holy Message, regenerates harmony of life and gives man strength to combat challenging problems.”
In the preface of the book, Hakim sahib expounds on the matters of modernity, societal issues, religion, and morality: “I believe, with full faith and conviction, that a viable solution of all our problems is available in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). If the Qur’an and the Sunnah could so completely eliminate the pagan rites, the idol-worship, the superstition, arrogance and social vices like gambling, drunkenness, promiscuity, exploitation and tyranny, tribal strife, and animosity of the Jahiliyya, and establish in their stead civilized behavior, decency, erudition and high morality; if the Qur’an and the Sunnah could abolish the racist attitudes, false tribal pride, social discrimination on the basis of worldly wealth or lack of it, class struggle, mutual contempt and hatred and the gloom of ignorance and usher in an era of universal human freedom and equality, self-awareness, fear of God, peace, contentment and real inner pleasure fifteen centuries ago, they can do it even today. They are absolutely capable of resolving all problems that scourge the contemporary human society. All the speeches that I have delivered and all the articles that I have written during the last forty years and more, reflect this viewpoint. I have endeavored throughout to discuss and analyze the problems that have continued to arise in our society and our contemporary environment in the perspective of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)… I firmly believe that religion and morality are synonymous and have the same connotation.”
In Nuristan, Hakim Said sahib has eloquently presented the foundations of Islamic principles and their viable applications for dealing with the contemporary issues in the present era of exponential growth in science and technology. The book is a valuable resource; it offers Nur (light) for all seekers of truth and wisdom, who yearn to reflect on things and gain peace.
Hakim Mohammed Said met a tragic end on October 17, 1998, when he was cruelly gunned down by the anti-humanity forces in Karachi. He was 78 years old and at the peak of his career. On his tragic demise, S M Zafar observed: “ There is a Chinese saying that a thinker who is courageous and treats death lightly may meet a violent death. Hakim Said's life and death epitomize this statement. He lived courageously…he spoke-out his thoughts clearly and forcefully, treated death not lightly that when he got all the indications that his would-be assassins are after him, he went about his normal life; and finally, he did become an easy target to a violent ending: thus Shaheed-i-Pakistan, Hakim Mohammed Said met his Creator as a courageous thinker who treated death lightly.”
Remembering Hakim sahib, his daughter Sadia Rashid observes: “My father's life was creative; it was like a symbol of symphony of prayer, work, love of people and love of country. This symphony was played through the many roles he assumed: friend, writer, bibliophile, innovator, physician, industrialist, traveler, sportsman, visionary, and realist…In all his affairs, throughout his life, he never compromised on principles and always acted honestly. This gave him the moral courage to speak out against dishonesty and corruption. He had enmity with none. He neither wished harm nor gave trouble to anybody. He always did good to others. Even those who tried to harm him in any way and created obstacles for him, directly or indirectly, he requited them with good. He never complained. My Abbajan is a Shaheed. He used to say that those who serve others become immortal. He certainly became immortal” (Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said: Remembered, Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan, 1999).
Indeed, Hakim Muhammed Said sahib was a man of action and vision, his great humanitarian work, and the institutions he built for public service, have made him immortal; present, and future generations will continue to reap benefits of his great vision and emulate his actions for serving humanity!
(Dr Ahmed S. Khan - - is a Fulbright Specialist Scholar - 2017-2022)

Books by Hakim Muhammed Said