Gems from the Holy Qur’an
From the translation by Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
About the translator:
Muhammad Asad, Leopold Weiss, was born of Jewish parents in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900, and at the age of 22 made his first visit to the Middle East. He later became an outstanding foreign correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, and after years of devoted study became one of the leading Muslim scholars of our age. His translation of the Holy Qur'an is one of the most lucid and well-referenced works in this category, dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” (people who think). Forwarded by Dr Ismat Kamal.
Chapter 15, Verse 9
Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder [ 1 ]: and behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption].
Chapter 15, Verses 19-25
And the earth – We have spread it out wide, and placed on it mountains firm, and caused [life] of every kind to grow on it in a balanced manner, and provided thereon means of livelihood for you [O men] as well as for all [living beings] whose sustenance does not depend on you.
For, no single thing exists that does not have its source from Us; and nought do We bestow from on high unless it be in accordance with a measure well-defined.
And We let loose the winds to fertilize [plants], and We send down water from the skies and let you drink thereof: and it is not you who dispose of its source – for, behold, it is We – we alone – who grant life and deal death, and it is We alone who shall remain after all else will have passed away!
And well do We know [the hearts and deeds of all human beings – both] those who lived before you and those who will come after you; and, behold, it is thy Sustainer who will gather them all together [on Judgment Day]: verily, He is wise, all-knowing!
Chapter 15, Verses 45-48
Verily, those who are conscious of God [shall find themselves in the hereafter] amidst gardens and springs, [having been received with the greeting,] “Enter here in peace, secure!”
And [by then] We shall have removed whatever unworthy thoughts or feelings may have been [lingering] in their breasts, [and they shall rest] as brethren, facing one another [in love] upon thrones of happiness. No weariness shall ever touch them in this [state of bliss], and never shall they have to forgo it.
Translator’s Notes
[ 1 ] I.e., the Qur’an.