Demonstrators thronged downtown San Francisco to say no to the APEC Summit - All photos by Sunita Sohrabji
‘The Immigrant Song’ – Thousands Take to the Streets of San Francisco to Say No to APEC
By Sunita Sohrabji
San Francisco, CA
Thousands of people, including multitudes of migrants from the Indo-Pacific region, marched down the streets of downtown San Francisco Nov 12 afternoon, in an attempt to shut down the week-long Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
Demonstrators also stated their support for Palestine in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, and stated their opposition to the US’ financial support of Israel.
APEC brings together thousands of leaders and CEOs from 21 Asia-Pacific region countries. The forum, including a two-day CEO Summit, is expected to bring out several announcements and memorandums of understanding between APEC partner countries. Demonstrators loudly voiced their opposition to the new Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity — an initiative launched by the Biden Administration last May — which would allegedly fast-track trade deals in the Indo-Pacific region without Congressional oversight or approval.
‘Fascist CEOs’
Protesters also focused on the CEO Summit, which kicks off Nov 14, and features luminaries from tech, finance, and pharma. “Hey APEC CEOs, fascism has got to go,” they chanted, on the walk from Embarcadero Plaza to one block away from the Moscone Center, where most of the APEC meetings will be held. Battalions of police officers stopped the demonstration from going further as it entered the periphery of the Moscone Center, which has been declared a high security area by Secret Service.

“We say no to the continuation of business as usual,” said Rhonda Ramiro, of the International League for People’s Struggles, one of the key organizers of the demonstration. “These men are squeezing the blood from working class women and men just so that they can make another billion.”
“APEC and IPEF do not represent the interests of the 99% of our planet. We are disgusted by the green-lighting of super-profits, with no regards for workers, or for the environment.”
City Sweeps Homeless Out
“We’re fighting for a different world, where workers don’t have to live hand to mouth, a world with shelter for all, which protects our biodiversity. We’re fighting for the world we all deserve,” said Ramiro.
Demonstrators also objected to San Francisco spending millions to prettify the City, sweeping the streets free of un-housed people. Javier Bremond, Human Rights Organizer with the Coalition on Homelessness, said: “These leaders are saying housing is not a human right, but free trade is.”
“It’s obvious there is a ruling class. Millions are being spent on a party that we are not invited to, and told we cannot go near. The irony of this week is that leaders are creating more ways to widen the economic gap,” said Bremond. “All these heads of state are pretending we just don’t exist.”
Second Demonstration
Organizers had hoped to bring their demonstration to the front of the Moscone Center, with the aim of bringing their concerns directly to world leaders. However, a demonstration planned for Nov 15 morning, during the CEO summit, will only be allowed several blocks away from the Moscone Center.
Several stretch limousines were gridlocked in a two-block long traffic jam as the protesters concluded their demonstration.
Janet Yellen
As demonstrations raged outside, inside the Moscone Center, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen held an introductory meeting with Minister of Finance Lan Fo’an of the People’s Republic of China. The two discussed the importance of continued communications between the two countries. Last week, Yellen embarked on two days of talks with Chinese Vice Premier Vice Premier He Lifeng.
Yellen met with Mexico’s Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, to discuss the “robust US-Mexico trade relationship.” She emphasized that Mexico is an important partner in the region.
Yellen also met with Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The Finance Ministers’ Meeting ended Nov 13. – Ethnic Media Services