My Beloved: Reflecting on the Names and Attributes of Allah, Part 4
By Laura El Alam
In the fourth and final part of her ebook, My Beloved: A series of reflections on the Names and Attributes of Allah in everyday life , author Amaney Kazlak shares stories from her own hajj , incorporating and explaining four more of Allah’s names Al-Hadi, Al-Qareeb, Al-Lateef, As-Sitteer, and Allah .
In discussing Al-Hadi , the Guide, Kazlak discusses how she sought His help in facilitating the pilgrimage for her. She knew many of the key details and decisions were out of her control, so she trusted Him to open doors for her if He knew it would be in her best interest. She reminds readers to make dua for guidance not only with big decisions, like whom to marry or which career to pursue, but smaller, everyday choices as well.
The istikhara prayer, Kazlak says, is an amazing tool. She writes:
“After you pray your istikhara , there are no regrets as to what path Allah (swt) leads you to, because you’ve sought guidance from the Most Knowledgeable, the Most Powerful, the Most Bountiful to guide you to that which is best with regards to your decision. If this decision is good for you, you ask that He (swt) make it happen for you in an easy manner, and if it is not good for you, you ask Him to replace it with something that is better. Allahu Akbar, what a beautiful supplication this is!” 1
Kazlaks says she felt the presence of Al-Qareeb , the Near One, as she prepared herself mentally, physically, and spiritually for hajj . I found her words about this attribute of Allah particularly moving. Kazlak writes:
“Through Allah’s Name Al-Qareeb , we know that Allah (swt) is near all of His creation—those who believe in Him and those who don’t. However, one of the most joyous feelings in this world is to consciously experience that nearness. Despite who you are with, where you are, or what circumstances you are in, having the feeling that Allah (swt) is near you and is aware of everything that you’re going through and everything that you’re longing for at that given moment, is comforting beyond words. In order to experience this nearness from our end, we must practice continuously remembering Allah (swt) by our hearts, minds, and actions. Allah (swt) reminds us in the Qur’an, ‘So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.’ – Qur’an (Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse 152) How beautiful is it that Allah (swt) says, ‘Remember Me; I will remember you.’” 2
Al-Lateef , the Subtle, showered Kazlak and her father with innumerable instances of unexpected kindness and intricate planning that made their hajj journey easier than they imagined. Kazlak urges readers to reflect on the many ways Al-Lateef enhances their own lives. She writes:
“The reality is, ever since we were born as small helpless babies, Al-Laṭeef has utilized people to be in our aid. From our parents, to our siblings, to extended family, to neighbors, to family friends, to schoolteachers, we’re constantly gifted with those who helped us on this journey called life. With time, we may have stopped noticing those people in our lives as blessings. Reflect on the past week or weeks and see who Al-Laṭeef has facilitated for you in your path. Know that just as easily as Allah (swt) willed for them to be your facilitators on your path, He could have willed for them to not be your facilitators on your path. Show thanks and be grateful to Al-Laṭeef that He has placed these people in your life so that He may continue to bring others like them into your life.” 3
While reflecting on the fact that every human – even those who are wholeheartedly participating in hajj and praising Allah – has committed sins, Kazlak marvels at Allah’s name As-Sitteer, the Coverer, Who hides people’s faults even though He is perfectly aware of every single misdeed and sin. She reminds readers that Muslims should try to conceal their own sins as well as those of others.
Kazlak chooses to end her book with her reflections on the name “Allah.” She writes, “[The word] ‘Allah’… is thus the most comprehensive Name of the Divine Being and refers to none other than the Absolute One, the Unique, Self-subsisting and Supreme Being.” She reminds readers of the importance of starting every single action with Bismillah, in the name of Allah, so that the outcome will be blessed.
For me, My Beloved was a positive, uplifting resource that enhanced my Ramadan. I read through it fairly quickly in order to write my four-part review, but other readers might choose to go more slowly, spreading the parts evenly over the four weeks of Ramadan and spending time journaling about their thoughts, goals, and takeaways. Of course, this ebook is not only appropriate for Ramadan; it would be beneficial at any other time of year, as well.
End Notes
1 My Beloved: A series of reflections on the Names and Attributes of Allah in everyday life , Pages 201-202
2 Pages 208-209
3 Page 218
(Laura El Alam is a freelance writer and editor and the author of the book Made From the Same Dough, as well as over 100 published articles. A wife and mother of five, Laura lives with her family in Massachusetts. You can visit her online at www.seaglasswritingandediting.com .) https://www.soundvision.com/article/my-beloved-reflecting-on-the-names-and-attributes-of-allah-0