Reading books
By Zahirah Lynn Eppard
Reading books is a great way to introduce young minds to new subjects, reinforce moral lessons, ignite creativity, and have fun while doing so. It is no surprise that when we talk about teaching Islam to young children, reading books is high on the to-do list. And there is a great resource to start with the basics called At the Masjid Learning Series.
The charming collection of four board books is basic in a number of ways and author Katherine Bullock and illustrator Heather Greenwood have intentionally crafted them that way. The vibrant and child-friendly illustrations encourage parents and children to take the lead in creating their own connections and takeaways. Without a storyline, each page focuses on a single word/idea/concept, all connected to scenes a child might encounter at the masjid. The small sturdy format is ideal for little hands and curious minds, making it a practical addition to any family library.
The series includes four titles: Colours at the Masjid, Numbers at the Masjid, Opposites at the Masjid, and Shapes at the Masjid. Here is a glimpse at some of what each has to offer.
- Colours features a blue minaret, a brown door, a green carpet in the masala or prayer area.
- Opposites includes diverse people and places, representing big and small, young and old, day and night.
- Shapes are shown in the squares of a shoe rack, a halaqah or learning circle, a triangle and oval in the design on a prayer mat.
- Numbers range from 1-10 with an interesting collection of shoes, books, children, and more.
In each book, the simplicity is perfectly suited for toddlers and preschoolers, allowing their imaginations to flourish while building foundational concepts.
It’s vital for children of all ages to see themselves and their world reflected in what they read. While the collection of Islamic children’s books is growing, alhamdulillah (praise and thanks are to Allah), families must be proactive in bringing these books into our homes, featuring them in our bedtime routines, and ensuring they are on hand to reinforce a positive world view that naturally includes Muslims in it. By starting early, we provide young children with the tools to develop a strong connection to their faith, the masjid, and their community.
Invest in your child’s identity and imagination with your own set of At the Masjid Learning Series. Take it along in your diaper bag or stash of toys for a car ride. Your little ones will learn the basics but also take delight in bringing their imaginations to life, with Islam and the masjid holding a special place in their hearts.
You can find this series and other great books at Compass Books . Consider purchasing more than one set as a gift for a friend or family member and in support of our Muslim authors.
(Zahirah Lynn Eppard is the managing editor of the Muslim Home parenting newsletter project. As Sound Vision’s Director of Education, she has also spearheaded the production of more than 500 online classes serving children ages 3-12 in the Adam’s World and Colors of Islam Clubs. Eppard has also worked in the field of education as a teacher, homeschooler, and Islamic school principal, as a marriage and crisis intervention counselor, and as a lobbyist and social justice activist. She lives with her husband, children, and grandchildren in Maryland.
https://www.soundvision.com/article/book-review-at-the-masjid-learning-series-made-especially-for-little-muslims )