A daily walk can burn calories, reduce your diabetes risk and prevent back pain - Credit Getty
The Six Health Benefits of a Daily Walk
By Dominic Bliss
“Ten thousand steps a day.” It has become almost a religious mantra for anyone embarking on walking as an exercise routine. But you don’t need to adhere to this to feel the benefits of getting outside and stretching your legs.
And this magic number has less scientific value than you’d think. It dates back to a Japanese marketing campaign from the 1960s designed to promote a commercial pedometer – and for some reason it has stuck, making us feel guilty for not hitting this made-up target ever since.
Britain’s leading walking charity, Ramblers, says the benefits of walking little and often are not to be sniffed at. “Walking in the great outdoors is one of the most effective things we can do to improve our health and wellbeing ,” says George Salmon, a spokesperson for the charity. “Even a short stroll around your local park can make a drastic difference.”
A growing body of scientific evidence supports this. If you’re among the 60 percent of people who suffer from back pain it might well be time to put your best foot forward. Walking for 30 minutes five times a week can help ward off back pain, according to a new study . The research found that people with lower back pain who took regular strolls remained pain-free for twice as long as those who did not follow a regular walking program.
And if that isn’t enough to persuade you to rise from your desk right this moment and go for a stroll, then perhaps the following will spur you into action...
- Benefits of walking
- Walking outdoors vs indoors
- How far should you walk?
- Walking faster vs walking longer
- What to wear when walking
- Staying safe while walking
- Tips on getting started
- Staying motivated
Six health benefits of walking
Walking can have the following benefits:
1. Burns calories
It burns calories and contributes to weight loss – but just how many calories does walking burn? It all depends on your:
- Age
- Weight
- Height
- Gender
- Walking speed
An average 180lb person roughly burns around 100 calories walking one mile at a brisk pace. Increase the pace to vigorous and that figure rises to 130 calories. By accelerating and decelerating the pace of your walking, you can burn even more.
A study by engineering researchers at the Ohio State University discovered that mixing up the speed of your walking (which is natural when you’re outdoors) can burn up to 20 percent more calories compared to going at a steady pace (which would most likely be on a treadmill).
“Walking at any speed costs some energy, but when you’re changing the speed, you’re pressing the gas pedal, so to speak,” explained the study’s lead author, Nidhi Seethapathi. “Changing the kinetic energy of the person requires more work from the legs and that process certainly burns more energy.”
2. Reduces diabetes risk
Additionally, walking at a pace of 3km per hour (1.86 mph) or more could lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by at least 15 percent, according to a new study .
The findings, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , found the risk of diabetes fell for every kilometer per hour faster someone walked on average.
Those who walked at a pace of between 3km and 5km per hour, which is considered “an average or normal walking speed”, reduced the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 15 percent, compared with those who walked at a “strolling” pace of less than 3km an hour.
3. Helps your heart
There’s plenty of scientific evidence that walking – like many other regular physical activities – has enormous cardiovascular benefits. The Stroke Association says that just 30 minutes of moderate walking five days a week can reduce your risk of a stroke by a quarter.
A paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Cardiology found that even short walks offer heart-health benefits. “Patients may accrue short-term gains such as improved fitness, body composition, blood pressure, and lipid profiles,” said the authors. “Longer term benefits include reduced risk of coronary heart disease, coronary events and mortality.”
Walking can even have an effect on cholesterol.
4. Improves cognition in dementia patients
Walking can also help people with dementia . A 2022 review of numerous trials that encouraged dementia sufferers to take regular light exercise – including walking – concluded it improved cognitive function across the board. All the participants were 60 or older and exercised at least once a week for eight weeks or more.
5. Associated with lower cancer risk
A 2019 study from the American Cancer Society found that two-and-a-half to five hours of moderate exercise such as “brisk walking” every week lowered the risk of seven different cancers. This includes the following cancers:
- Colon
- Breast
- Kidney
- Liver
- Endometrial
- Myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
6. Improves mood
Many people report feeling better and brighter after going out for a walk, and this is backed up by research.
Mind, the UK mental health charity, published a study that compared the results of exercise in the great outdoors with a walk inside an indoor shopping center. 71 percent of respondents reported decreased levels of depression and said they felt less tense after taking a walk in a green environment . 90 percent felt increased self-esteem.
Do you need to walk outdoors?
Ramblers agree with the importance of being outside specifically. “Getting out in the fresh air can be invaluable for your mental well-being,” George Salmon says. “Not only does it give you a chance to relax and recharge, it’s a great way to reconnect with nature.”
There’s also evidence that our mental health is affected by something called negative air ions. These are negatively charged gas ions generated by sunlight, cosmic rays and plants, which are particularly concentrated in forests, near waterfalls and on beaches. A US review of multiple studies highlighted that people who had been exposed to these negative ions experienced the following benefits:
- Reduced depression severity
- Lower psychological stress
- Less anxiety
- Enhanced wellbeing
Joanna Hall, a sports scientist and the founder of the walking program WalkActive, says this is another reason we should walk outside as often as we can, “especially in dense forest or by waterfalls”.
How far should you walk every day?
Experts weigh in how many steps you should take.
Hall warns us not to obsess over distance. “But if you’re looking for quantity, I feel 7,500 steps as a daily target is a good benchmark,” she adds.
Ramblers say you shouldn’t worry about how many you do per day, as long as you do something. “The good news is that any number of steps has a really positive impact on your health,” stresses Salmon.
Is it better to walk longer or faster?
Neither, according to Hall. What’s far more important is to “walk better”. “There are skills involved in walking just like there are in golf and tennis,” she adds.
In her coaching program, she encourages walkers to use the leg that trails behind to propel them forward, rather than using their leading leg to pull them along. Ideally, as we stride, our legs should make the shape of an inverted letter V. She adds that walking this way will:
- Improve your posture
- Increase your walking speed
- Reduce joint strain at the hips, knees, and ankles
Rather than the speed of walking, she prefers to talk in terms of foot cadence, suggesting that, for most people, 120 steps a minute is a good target. Check your watch while you’re walking.
What to wear when walking
Such a simple sport requires only very simple clothing – although it’s worth spending money on quality trainers or hiking boots.
“There’s no need to have fancy gear to start walking,” says Salmon. “The number one rule is to walk in anything that makes you feel comfortable and supported. So if you’re setting out for the first time, a trusty pair of trainers is often the best call. Once you’ve decided to explore a bit further, you’ll want to invest in a pair of well-fitted walking boots. Most outdoor stores will provide a personalized fitting service.”
Hall stresses that your trainers should allow your toes to spread in your shoes as you walk. “A wider and squarer toe box will mean you’ll have an even push from your big toe, middle toe and little toe all at the same time, which will help with the alignment of your feet, knees and hips, safeguarding your joints,” she says.
She also recommends flexible soles on your trainers, so as to allow all the joints in each foot to move properly. “Imagine you have a Post-it note stuck to the back of your shoe,” she explains. “If someone is walking behind you, you want them to be able to read it. So you should leave that back foot behind you for a little bit longer. This switches off your hip flexors and improves alignment from foot, knee and hip, safeguarding your joints and giving you more propulsion forwards.”
How to stay safe while walking
Solo walkers would be wise to stick to busier or well-lit routes, especially in winter when the days shorten. Rather encouragingly, Hall says that as your walking technique improves, so will your physical presence, making you appear more confident and less vulnerable.
According to Ramblers, when it comes to walking in the countryside, one of the biggest barriers is “the fear of getting lost”. For that reason, they offer a beginner’s guide to navigation – a free online service that covers map and compass reading, plus other practical advice.
How to get started walking daily
Ramblers suggests novice walkers should start gently and build up their daily distance. “If you’re just starting out, taking that first step can seem daunting,” Salmon says.
Experts recommend the following:
- If you’re just starting out, set out at an easy pace and keep it short. Salmon suggests that you “work out a route that suits you and as you build up your stamina, extend the distance over the coming days and weeks. When you can keep going for over half an hour, basking in the beauty of the great outdoors, you’ll know it’s working.”
- Opt for a morning walk. Hall suggests you’re more likely to complete a daily walk if you make it part of your morning routine rather than putting it off until the end of the working day.
- Make it easy for yourself. Halls adds that one way to do this is to map out short but interesting walks starting from places you visit every day. “That might be your desk at home, your place of work or the school gates where you drop off your kids,” she explains. “From each location, map out a five-minute walk, a 10-minute walk, and a 15-minute walk.”
- If commuting by public transport, get off a few stops earlier. Halls recommends doing so and walking the rest of the route home. But if you work from home, you can always give yourself a short pretend commute every morning by walking down to your local high street for a coffee.
How to stay motivated to walk daily
Staying motivated to walk daily can be challenging, here are some tips to keep on track:
- Go walking with a friend. Doing so will encourage you not to drop out of regular walks , especially if you both make time in your diaries for a rendezvous on certain days of the week.
- Consider training for an event. This will keep you focused too. Perhaps consider signing up for a charity walking event – long enough that you need to walk regularly as part of your training.
- Join a local walking club. Ramblers has hundreds of local groups across the country that offer regular walks and social events. Find your nearest one on their website .
- Try listening to a podcast. They can provide a sense of companionship and make the walk a bit less lonely.
How much walking a day is beneficial?
According to the NHS , even 10 minutes of brisk walking every day has many benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly recommended exercise.
Does walking burn belly fat?
While it is not possible to target fat loss in one specific area, doing aerobic exercise – like walking– while eating a healthy diet, is the best way to lose belly fat and body fat, that is according to the British Heart Foundation. – The Telegraph