Engaging in dhikr , or the remembrance of Allah, minutes before Salah serves as a powerful method to prepare the mind and heart for prayer
Nine Steps to Beautify Your Prayers
By Umm Ahmad
Salah or prayer, is a special form of obligatory worship for Muslims. Taken into retrospect it can be seen as a journey of seeking a deeper connection with Allah, yet many of us grapple with maintaining that profound sense of khushu or consciousness in it, throughout. It's almost as if we're constantly striving to anchor ourselves in devotion, only to find ourselves drifting away at times. And perhaps, if we're honest, most of us would admit to experiencing this struggle. But here's the thing; acknowledging this struggle is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to our humanity and our sincere desire to draw closer to our Creator.
Fulfilling the Purpose of Prayer
According to a narration from Abu Hurairah, Allah's beloved Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“The first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be his Salah. If it is found to be complete then it will be recorded as complete, and if anything is lacking He will say: 'Look and see if you can find any voluntary prayers with which to complete what he neglected of his obligatory prayers.' Then the rest of his deeds will be reckoned in like manner.”
(Sunan An-Nasa'i)
As believers, it is crucial to acknowledge that Allah, the Almighty, deserves our utmost beauty and excellence in all aspects, including worship. It is He alone who is worthy of our sincerest efforts to adorn ourselves inwardly and outwardly when we stand before Him in prayer. That said, it's important not to become disheartened by occasional imperfections as these errors remind us of our humanity before Him. Instead, we should view these moments as opportunities for self-reflection and growth.
Here are some useful tips on how to attain Khushu in Salah, to help enrich our spiritual journey, foster fulfillment, and deepen our connection with Allah, to maximize our rewards and blessings.
1. Perform our prayers with proper etiquette.
Performing our prayers with proper etiquette involves more than just the physical act of prayer; it encompasses a holistic approach to worship that reflects our reverence and devotion to Allah. This includes observing rituals such as performing wudu or ablution accurately and dressing modestly, which symbolize our readiness to stand before the Divine in humility and purity. By meticulously adhering to these rituals, we demonstrate our respect for the sanctity of the act of worship and convey our utmost sincerity to the One we are worshiping.
Moreover, ensuring that the environment where we pray is conducive, is equally important. This entails selecting a space that is calm and quiet, free from distractions that may divert our focus from prayer. Additionally, maintaining cleanliness and a gentle fragrance in the prayer area contributes to creating a sacred atmosphere conducive to spiritual contemplation and connection with Allah.
By attending to these details, we cultivate an environment that enhances our prayer experience, allowing us to immerse ourselves fully in worship and deepen our connection with the Almighty.
2. Prepare the mind before salah.
Imagine the moments leading up to Salah as a gradual transition, akin to turning the pages of a book.
Engaging in dhikr , or the remembrance of Allah, minutes before Salah serves as a powerful method to prepare the mind and heart for prayer. Just as immersing ourselves in a book before bedtime leaves a lingering trail of thoughts, engaging in dhikr can prime our consciousness to focus on Allah's presence and attributes. As we begin to make dhikr a few minutes before Salah, it's like laying the groundwork for a deeper connection. Each invocation, each remembrance, acts as a stepping stone, paving the way for a more profound engagement with our Creator, during prayer.
Moreover, incorporating the Adhan , or call to prayer, into our daily routine can serve as a pivotal moment of pause and reflection. Just as the ringing of a bell signals the start of a new lesson at school, the Adhan marks a break-off moment from our worldly concerns, inviting us to recalibrate our focus towards Salah.
By integrating these practices into our pre-Salah routine, we can attune our minds to the rhythm of prayers. And, this will help align our thoughts, intentions, and actions with the remembrance of Allah, preparing us to stand in His presence with humility and devotion.
3. Mind the pace.
Slowing down in Salah is an invaluable practice that allows one to immerse oneself fully in the spiritual experience of prayer. One crucial aspect of this is perfecting tajweed or the proper pronunciation and recitation of the Qur’anic verses. By taking our time and focusing on each letter, vowel, and sound, we not only fulfill the requirements of proper recitation but also deepen our connection to the divine words we are uttering.
Imagine this as you recite the verses of the Qur’an, each word flows from your lips with deliberate precision, like pearls cascading from a string. By slowing down and savoring the beauty of each syllable, you elevate your recitation from mere recitation to a soul-stirring melody.
Above and beyond, finding a tune that resonates with your heart can further enhance your tajweed and elevate your Salah experience. Whether it's from the recitation of a favorite Imam or Sheikh or a personal composition that speaks to your soul, a harmonious tune can serve as a great guide.
4. Embrace a sense of watchful guidance.
From the moment you begin your Salah, remind yourself of the profound truth that Allah is always watching over you. Incorporate this consciousness into your prayers, especially when standing, bowing, prostrating or any other instance where you feel your focus waning. Imagine His benevolent gaze upon you, guiding and protecting you throughout your worship.
5. View each Salah as your last opportunity.
Consider each prayer as if it were your final chance to commune with Allah before returning to Him. Reflect on the immense mercy and grace bestowed upon you by Allah, granting you this precious opportunity to seek His pleasure and forgiveness. Visualize yourself standing before Allah on the Day of Judgment, with your last wish being to perform additional units of prayer with utmost devotion, aspiring for the reward of paradise.
6. Picture the Day of Judgment.
Transport yourself mentally to the Day of Judgment as you engage in Salah. Envision the awe-inspiring scene of resurrection, where every soul is held accountable for their deeds. Allow this imagery to instill a sense of urgency and reverence in your prayers, as you stand before Allah in humility and submission.
7. Find your moment of devotion.
Discover a moment of profound devotion that resonates with your heart. Whether it's visualizing yourself inside the grave, facing the reality of death and accountability, or picturing yourself standing on the Day of Judgment, let this imagery deepen your connection to Allah and enrich your Salah experience.
8. Cultivate mindfulness through taqwa.
When you find your mind wandering amidst worldly concerns during Salah, consciously redirect your thoughts to the concept of Taqwa , or God-consciousness. Remind yourself that it is only Allah who possesses the power to alleviate your worries and grant you peace. For instance, during prayer, it's common to be preoccupied with mundane tasks like managing household chores or meeting deadlines. Instead of succumbing to these distractions, reaffirm your trust in Allah's omnipotence, knowing that He alone is capable of managing all your affairs.
By shifting your focus from worldly concerns to reliance on Allah, you cultivate mindfulness and strengthen your faith in Him.
9. Avoid a sense of overburdening.
It's essential not to overburden yourself during Salah. Avoid prolonging it excessively by reciting lengthy chapters that may compromise the quality of your prayer or cause physical discomfort such as leg, feet, or back pain. Instead, approach Salah with moderation, starting with manageable lengths and gradually increasing intensity over time. Just as we progressively build up our strength at the gym, adopting a sustainable approach to Salah ensures that it remains a fulfilling and nourishing practice for both the body as well as our soul.
In conclusion, in an attempt to beautify our prayers, let us strive to adorn them with sincerity, reverence, and devotion, knowing that in each prostration and recitation, we draw ourselves closer to Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. May our prayers be a source of tranquility, reflection, guidance, and spiritual fulfillment, enriching our lives and illuminating our path toward eternal bliss. Aameen.
(Umm Ahmad is an early childhood educator and mother of three boys. Always on the quest to learn, she is passionate about seeking knowledge and passing it on to others. A writer in the making, she draws inspiration through deep conversations, laws of nature, and her own children. She and her family are currently living in Abu Dhabi, UAE.)
The Importance of Beautifying Your Prayer