Book Review: ‘Tis the Night Before Eid
By Miriam Mohamed
Chicago, IL
The last days of Ramadan are bittersweet with the knowledge that another year must pass until we are blessed with the opportunity to experience the sacred month again. However, the joyous occasion of Eid Al-Adha is right around the corner! In that we can continue to demonstrate gratitude and generosity in the celebration of deep spiritual, communal, and humanitarian benefits. Eid reminds us that compassion, empathy, and unity are values that transcend faith and nationalities. As families and communities come together for congregational prayer, share festive meals, and exchange gifts, it gives us an opportunity to recognize our strength and resilience in the diversity of our cultures and traditions worldwide.
‘Tis the Night Before Eid by Yasmin Rashidi is a delightful rhyming story that celebrates and reflects on the blessings of Ramadan and the excitement and anticipation of Eid Al-Fitr. The story begins:
“Tis the night before Eid
Ramadan has gone past
It’s days filled with blessings
That fly by too fast.”
While the title and some of the rhymes are a direct nod to the Christmas classic, this story follows a mixed-race Muslim family on their last nights of Ramadan, enjoying their last iftar, praying the last night of taraweeh at the mosque all with the bittersweet emotion of something beautiful coming to an end. But the preparation and excitement for Eid have also come:
“The house has been cleaned
The clothes have been pressed
Mamma says Eid is the day
To look our very best.”
The vibrant illustrations are colorful and embody the words shared in the story. I truly loved the diversity of the family and the mosque attendees including the female Qur’an teacher who resembles Shaikha Haifa Younis. Another gem is that it shows the mother wearing a hijab when she is performing acts of worship and out of her home, but while making cookies and cleaning at home she is not wearing a hijab. Author Yasmin Rashidi and illustrator Mariam Aldacher did an excellent job portraying the beauty of Islam and Muslim families in this blessed time of the year. This is definitely a book every home library should have as well as every classroom library.
(Miriam Mohamed is a mother to seven children and a granny to two cats! She loves trying new things and learning cool facts. She has taught in an Islamic school setting, has experience assisting children with special needs, and enjoys volunteering and being a part of the community. Miriam lives in Chicago with her beautiful flowering cherry tree and big family.. https://www.soundvision.com/article/book-review-tis-the-night-before-eid .)