Gems from the Holy Qur’an
From the translation by Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
About the translator:
Muhammad Asad, Leopold Weiss, was born to Jewish parents in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900, and at the age of 22 made his first visit to the Middle East. He later became an outstanding foreign correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, and after his conversion to Islam traveled and worked throughout the Muslim world, from North Africa to as far east as Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. After years of devoted study, he became one of the leading Muslim scholars of our age. His translation of the Holy Qur'an is one of the most lucid and well-referenced works in this category, dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” (For people who think”).
Chapter 28, Verse 56
Verily, thou canst not guide aright everyone whom thou lovest: but it is God who guides him that wills (to be guided); and He is fully aware of all who would let themselves be guided.
Chapter 28, Verses 58 – 60
And how many a community that [once] exulted in its wanton wealth and ease of life have we destroyed, so that those dwelling places of theirs – all but a few have never been dwelt-in after them: for it is indeed We alone who shall remain when all else will have passed away!
Yet, withal, thy Sustainer would never destroy a community without having [first] raised in its midst an apostle who would convey unto them our messages; and never would We destroy a community unless its people are wont to do wrong [to one another].
And [remember:] whatever you are given [now] is but for the [passing] enjoyment of life in this world, and for its embellishment – whereas that which is with God is [so much] better and more enduring. Will you not, then, use your reason?
Chapter 28, Verse 73
For it is out of His grace that He has made for you the night and the day, so that you might rest therein as well as seek to obtain [what you need] of His bounty: and [He gave you all this] so that you might have cause to be grateful.
Chapter 28, Verses 83-84
As for that [happy] life in the hereafter, We grant it [only] to those who do not seek to exalt themselves on earth, nor yet to spread corruption: for the future belongs to the God-conscious.
Whosoever shall come [before God] with a good deed will gain [further] good therefrom; but as for any who shall come with an evil deed – [know that] they who do evil deeds will not be requited with more than [the like of] what they have done.
Chapter 28, Verse 85
Verily, [O believer,] He who has laid down this Qur’an in plain terms, making it binding on thee, will assuredly bring thee back [from death] to a life renewed. Say [unto those who reject the truth]: “My Sustainer knows best as to who is right-guided and who is obviously lost in error!”