Friday, March 28, 2025

Book & Author
Prof. M. M. Taqui: Insaan Aur Kainaat — Fikr e Iqbal Aur Science Ki Roshni Main (Man and the Universe — in Light of Iqbal’s Thought and Science)

By Dr Ahmed S. Khan
Chicago, IL

Dr Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal (November 9, 1877- April 21, 1938) was one of the great thinkers of the 20 th century. The message and the writings of Allama Iqbal have many dimensions: literary, religious, political, social, educational, and economic. Iqbal’s poetry and philosophy are aimed at humanizing the world.

Dr Annemarie Schimmel (April 7, 1922- January 25, 2003), an internationally acclaimed scholar, considered Dr Iqbal one of the greatest poets of the East. Dr Schimmel commenting on the harmony of Islamic tradition and contemporary scientific research, as observed by Allama Iqbal, notes: “He [Iqbal] thinks, Muslims can become interested in Western science and discover that Europe is indebted to Islam, and that therefore the adopting of recent scientific results from the West does not do any harm to primacy of Islamic thought.” As Allama Iqbal has said, “If Muslim scholars were aware that Einstein’s most thrilling ideas are already existent in Islam, they would like to take more interest in them and study them carefully.” Dr Schimmel observes that “Einstein granted Iqbal the proof for his view concerning the relation of God and universe --- that the universe is limitless but finite --- and his theory of relativity has impressed Iqbal’s theories of time and space.” She further observes: “…thus the European philosophy and scholarship becomes, in Iqbal’s reading, a medium for leading back the Muslims to the sources of their own culture, and giving them the feeling that these conceptions are nothing but their own heritage. Interpreted in this way, European civilization is no longer a danger for the Muslims but a stimulant for their awakening.”

Professor Dr M.M. Taqui (November 3, 1931 – April 5, 2024) was one of the few Muslim scientists who have reflected on Allama Iqbal’s message in light of the current state of science and technology. In Insaan Aur Kainaat — Fikr e Iqbal Aur Science Ki Roshni Main (Man and the Universe — in Light of Iqbal’s Thought and Science) Prof M. M. Taqui reflects on Allama Iqbal’s poetry and philosophy in light of the Qur’an and current scientific knowledge-base.

Mirza Muhammed Khan aka M. Taqui Khan was born in the Hyderabad State on November 3, 1931. After receiving his early education from Mufeed Alam High School, he obtained his BSc from Nizam College and his MSc (Chemistry) from Osmania in 1952. Later he went to the United States and earned his PhD (Inorganic Chemistry) from Clark University, MA, under the supervision of Professor Dr A. E. Martell.

Professor Dr M. M. Khan Sahib was deeply interested in Islam, comparative religions, and Urdu poetry. Since his childhood, he studied Allama Iqbal’s poetry and reflected on the message of Iqbal’s poetry at various forums that included Iqbal Academy, Hyderabad, which published his two books in Urdu on Iqbal — consisting of his talks at Iqbal Academy, Hyderabad. The academy holds the unique distinction of conducting more than 1,100 lectures on Iqbal, since 1997, under its program known as Mehfil e Iqbal Shanasi (Meetings for Understanding Message of Iqbal). The first lecture was delivered by Mohammed Zaheeruddin Ahmed on October 18, 1997.

During the past seven decades, Professor Dr M. M. Taqui Sahib excelled in academic and intellectual accomplishments. According to his biographical profile posted on Osmania University’s website "His intellectual and academic brilliance during his tenure reflected in producing 70 PhDs and 70 registered patents. He published 300 papers and four books. His book in two volumes 'Homogeneous Catalysis by Metal Complexes' published by Academic Press in 1974 has become a standard book of reference. He served the nation in various capacities as Director, CSMCRI National Laboratory, Bhavnagar, Gujarat as advisor to UGC and DST, member of the central government’s Water Mission, and Wasteland Development program. In 2004 he was nominated to the Board of Governors of Nizam College and still remains a member. Prof Khan has received numerous national and international awards including FNASc , FNA, FRSC, ACS, HASc etc.; in addition, the UGC conferred on him the distinctions of a National Scientist and National Professor. Prof Khan has also been a Visiting Professor at Texas A&M University, USA, and a distinguished visitor and special invitee to Imperial College, London, by Prof Wilkinson a Nobel Laureate. His path-breaking scientific endeavors in developing reverse osmosis technology, cultivation of iodine-rich algae in making iodized salt, make him a living legend.” Indeed, Dr M. M. Tauqi Sahib was a scientist par excellence — he will be remembered as a scientist who used science to alleviate the suffering of the poor!

In the preface the author observes that Allama Iqbal’s thought reflects on both Man and the Universe; the hidden traits of man and signs apparent in the universe —lead man toward the truth; Iqbal urges man not to accept the end of the journey rather to continue the journey towards new destinations:

Tu Rah Naward e Sauq Hay Manzil Na Kar Qabool

Laila Bhi Hum Nasheen Ho To Mahmil Na Kar Qabool

Continue to travel the road of desire — do not accept the destination

Even if Laila be your companion, do not accept such support.

The author observes that “the aim of Iqbal’s poetry is to reflect on the concept of nature and destiny and — motivate and invigorate man for dynamic struggle. The articles in this book deal with the relationship between man and the universe. These articles are based on the speeches that I have delivered at various meetings on Iqbal and at the Iqbal Academy, Hyderabad, Deccan. In my last book “Iqbal Ka Sciencee Minhaj e Fikr (The Scientific Approach of Iqbal’s Thought) I have strived to present Iqbal’s message in light of the current state of science, and the message of the Qur’an — which is a guiding light for all times— and one cannot go astray by following it. For the present book, I have selected articles based on the contemporary state of science and the relationship between man and the universe viz a viz concepts of free will, intention and action, life and death, anthropic principle [observation selection effect], Quantum physics, theory of relativity, space and time, matter and energy, gravitation, black holes and space and time (Planck length and Planck time)…In the macrocosmic world (theory of relativity)  things are continuous and outcomes are deterministic (continuity of time and space) but in the microcosmic world (quantum mechanics) the particle behavior follows quantum leaps and the outcomes are probabilistic. At the beginning of time and space, both entities existed in small string forms: the smallest unit of space is 10^-35 meters (Planck length) and the smallest unit of time is 10^-40 seconds (Planck time). Before their smallest values, both time and space were a single entity, which is mentioned in the Qur’an: “ ARE, THEN, they who are bent on denying the truth not aware that the heavens and the earth were [once] one single entity, which We then parted asunder? – and [that] We made out of water every living thing? Will they not, then, [begin to] believe?” (Chapter 21:30, Surah Al Anbiya — The Prophets)…I hope my articles will open up new avenues of Iqbal Shanasi (Understanding of Iqbal’s message)…”

The author cites Iqbal’s couplet related to the evolution of time and space and its Creator:

Khird Hui hay ZamaaN wa MakaaN key Zunnari

Na hay ZamaaN na MakaaN La Ilaha Illallah

The reason has worn the holy thread of Time and Space

When there is No Space No Time — “No god but Allah”

Reflecting on the well-ordered structure and radiant nature of the world, the author quotes Iqbal:

Jahan main Danish O Beenish key hay Kiss Darjah Arzani

Koi Shay Chup NahaiN Sakhti kay Ya Alam hay Noorani

The ordered domains of the world are so clear to know and see

Nothing is veiled as the Universe is so radiant

The author cites Iqbal’s couplet about Prophet Muhammed (SAW)’s Miʿraj (Ascension to the heaven):

Sabaq Milah hay Yah Miraaj-e-Mustafa (SAW) say Muhjay

Kay Alam-e-Bashiyrat key Zad main hay GardooN
The lesson I learned from Prophet’s (SAW)’s ascension to the Heaven

That heaven is within the reach of the man


Reflecting on the expansion of the Cosmos, the author cites Iqbal’s couplet:

Yeh Kainaat Abhi Na’Tamaam Hay Sha’aid

Kay Aa Rahe Hay Damadam Sada’ay ‘Kun Fayakoon’

The Cosmos, perhaps, is incomplete

As the command of creation ‘Kun Fayakoon’ is still being propagated

The author cites the Qu’ran’s reference to man’s hardship and struggles: Surah Balad (90:4) “Verily We have created man into toil and struggle,” and Surah Ash-Sharh (94: 5&6) “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” And ties it with Iqbal’s couplets from Bal-e-Jibril: SitaronN Say Aagay Jahaan Aur Bhi HaiN.

SitaroN Say Aagay Jahaan Aur Bhi HaiN

Abhi Ishq kay Imtahan Aur Bhi HaiN
There exist many worlds beyond the stars

Many more tests of love still to come


Issey Roz O Shab maiN Ulaj Kar Na Rah Ja

Kay Teray Zaman O Makan Aur Bhi haiN
Do not get trapped in the cycle of day and night,

Other domains of time and space exist for you

Comparing the concept of predetermined protocols and commands of God, the author refers to Iqbal’s couplet from Zarb-e-Kaleem: Ahkam-e-Elahi (Decree of God):

Taqdeer Kay Paband Nabataat O Jamadaat

Momin Faqt Ahkam e Elahi Ka Hay Paband

Flora and Minerals abide by the predetermined protocols
But True Muslim, only obeys the commands of God


Expounding on the concept of quantized nature of time, the author cites a couplet from Iqbal’s Bal-e-Jibril: Zamana (Time):

Meri Soorahi Say Qatra Qatra Naye Hawadiss Tapak Rahay haiN

MaiN Apni Tasbeeh e Roz o Shob Ka Shumaar Karta HooN Danah Danah

New events are dripping from the mouth of my pitcher

I count— bead by bead— on my threaded rosary of days and nights


Insaan Aur Kainaat — Fikr e Iqbal Aur Science Ki Roshni Main (Man and the Universe — in Light of

Iqbal’s Thought and Science) by Professor Dr M. M. Taqui is a comprehensive study of Iqbal’s thought and philosophy in light of the present state of science and technology. The book has a number of typographical /composing errors. Since the book has been typeset in south India, the “M’s” have become “Yums” — for example, the author's name M. M. Taqui on the cover page is written as Yum Yum Taqui. Hopefully, Iqbal Academy, Hyderabad, would correct the typographical/composing errors in the next edition of the book. Despite this minor shortcoming, the book is an illuminating and fascinating read for lovers of Allama Iqbal’s poetry and all seekers of truth and wisdom.

(Dr Ahmed S. Khan ( ) is a Fulbright Specialist Scholar. Professor Khan has more than 40 years of experience in Higher Education as professor of Electrical Engineering, Chair and Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Sciences. He is the author of many academic papers, technical and non-technical books, and a series of books on Science, Technology & Society (STS) — used globally in the academic programs of more than 200 universities. His most recent books are Mashriq-o-Mugrib Ki Mumtaz Shaksiaat (Prominent Personalities of the East and the West), and Nanotechnology: Ethical and Social Implications.

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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui