Gems from the Holy Qur’an
From the translation by Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
About the translator:
Muhammad Asad, Leopold Weiss, was born to Jewish parents in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900, and at the age of 22 made his first visit to the Middle East. He later became an outstanding foreign correspondent for the Frankfurter Zeitung, and after years of devoted study became one of the leading Muslim scholars of our age. His translation of the Holy Qur'an is one of the most lucid and well-referenced works in this category, dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” (people who think). Forwarded by Dr Ismat Kamal.
Chapter 19, Verse 36
And [thus it was that Jesus always said]: “Verily, God is my Sustainer as well as your Sustainer” so worship [none but] Him: this [alone] is a straight way.”
Chapter 19, Verse 41
And call to mind, through this divine writ, Abraham. Behold, he was a man of truth, [already] a prophet when he spoke [thus] unto his father: “O my father! Why dost thou worship something that neither hears nor sees and can be of no avail whatever to thee?
Chapter 19, Verse 46 – 54
He answered: “Dost thou dislike my gods, O Abraham? Indeed, if thou desist not, I shall most certainly cause thee to be stoned to death! Now begone from me for good!”
[Abraham replied] Peace be upon thee! I shall ask my Sustainer to forgive thee: for, behold, He has always been kind to me. But I shall withdraw from you and from whatever you invoke instead of God, and shall invoke my Sustainer [alone]: it may well be that my prayer [for thee] will not remain unanswered by my Sustainer.”
And call to mind, through this divine writ, Moses. Behold, he was a chosen one, and was an apostle [of God], a prophet.
And [remember how] We called upon him from the right-hand slope of Mount Sinai and drew him near [unto Us] in mystic communion, and [how], out of Our grace, We granted unto him his brother Aaron, to be a prophet [by his side].
And call to mind, through this divine writ, Ishmael. Behold, he was true to his promise, and was an apostle [of God], a prophet, who used to enjoin upon his people prayer and charity, and found favor in his Sustainer’s sight.