at the California State Capitol
By Ras H. Siddiqui
Sacramento: The Muslim
community in California can now be proud of another first
in this region as State elected officials, Assembly members
Manny Diaz, Judy Chu, and Darrell Steinberg plus Senators
Deborah Ortiz and Sheila Kuehl honored them and CAIR (Sacramento
Valley) by holding the first ever Iftar (Ramadan breaking
of the fast) inside the State Capitol building in Sacramento,
the California Capital.

CAIR Sacramento Valley officials and volunteers at
the California Capitol iftar |
Azaan (call to prayer) could be heard inside
the Capitol on the upper floors adjacent to the Jade Orchid
Café (AKA the sixth floor Cafeteria) as Muslims and
members of the legislative staff took the opportunity to consume
dates and appetizers just before the Magrib prayers were held.
At a formal dinner gathering soon after,
with the participation of close to a hundred people CAIR (SV)
took this opportunity to gather together area leaders from
the African-American, Arab, Indian, Iranian and Pakistani-American
communities. Dr. Judy Chu and a number of legislative staffers
(co-hosts) added a great deal to this event with their presence.
The fine Persian
food served on the occasion was a hit with

Prayers at the California Capitol |
everyone, amongst both the fasting and
the previously feasting participants. Talking with Pakistan
Link, Assemblywoman Chu said that she was happy that the Democrats
in the California Legislature did well on November 2nd and
were able to sustain and solidify their strength.
Master of Ceremony Javed Iqbal welcomed everyone. Tamer Ahmad
made the introductions and said how proud he felt as a Muslim
American at the event and how much it meant to us to have
such good friends who have joined us here.
Assembly Member Dr. Judy Chu was the first speaker. “What
a great day this is. The very first Iftar at the State Capitol,”
she said. She added that the event proved what we can achieve
if we all work together. She also reflected on the diversity
that exists in the State of California which is a major plus.
Assemblywoman Chu presented a “1st Annual Iftar/Ramadan
Resolution” to CAIR (SV) President Rashid Ahmad on behalf
of the sponsors (Diaz, Chu, Steinberg, Ortiz and Kuehl) recognizing
Muslims as a most vibrant and productive community within
the State of California.

Breaking fast together |
On behalf of the office of Assembly Member
Manny Diaz, his Chief of Staff Saeed M. Ali spoke briefly
about his roots in Aligarh, India (Aligarh Muslim University),
the uniqueness of Ramadan and what a joy it was to be here
at the event, the first Iftar at the Capitol.
The keynote speech was given by Dr. Hatem Bazian from UC Berkeley.
Dr. Bazian spoke about Muslims overcoming the hurdles of exclusion,
their arrival in America (as some have documented possibly
before Columbus) certainly amongst the slaves brought here
forcibly from Africa and the more recent immigrants. He explained
that Ramadan was a time of “habit breaking” restraint
and relating to the poor and the hungry. He added that this
was also the time of the year for Muslims to practice charity.
Dina El Nakhal next spoke about CAIR and CAIR’s role
in the Sacramento Muslim community. She also shared her own
Ramadan experiences in Egypt and thoughts on this month of
fasting. CAIR (SV) Executive Director

Another group at the iftar |
ElKarra closed the event with words of
thanks to everyone for attending. “With all your help
we are ready to make this Golden State a shining example for
the world,” he said.
To conclude, this Iftar was certainly another significant
step towards the recognition of Muslim beliefs in California.
And beyond that it was a reflection of California itself,
showing the rest of America its often hidden strengths. Here
we had a Dr. Chu, an Asian-American presenting a resolution
in English to a Muslim-American-Pakistani Rashid Ahmad in
the heart of the Capitol of California after consuming delicious
Iranian food and hearing speeches from Arab, Indian and the
American born, being photographed by an African-American and
a reporter sharing a table with a Dutch Indonesian and Indian-American
(Ravi Kahlon from the Hispanic Lieutenant Governor’s
Cruz Bustamante’s office). If this is not diversity,
then I don’t know what is? Eid Mubarak!