Sacramento Celebrates Eid
By Ras H. Siddiqui
Sacramento: Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated with great enthusiasm
once again at the oldest continuous Muslim place of worship
in this part of the American continent, as more than two
thousand people gathered at the Downtown “V Street”
Mosque on Sunday, November 14, 2004 to celebrate the end
of Ramadan.

Glimpses of Eid celebrations in Sacramento
Also nicknamed “The
Pakistani Mosque” due to the origins of its founders,
this center of Islamic religious activity also appeared
on the scene in the California State Capital of Sacramento
at around the same time as the creation of Pakistan in
1947. And although most of its original builders are no
longer with us, their descendents along with more recent
arrivals continue to add a unique cultural flavor to the
local scene.
The languages heard here besides English are Punjabi,
Pashto and Urdu. Imam Mumtaz Qasmi delivered the “Khutbah”
(sermon) in both Urdu and English once again as he stressed
on the virtues of Ramadan fasting and prayers. He also
advised his congregation to follow in the footsteps of
the first Muslims or “Sahaba” and added that
one should not wait till late in life to become a more
observant Muslim.
Keeping what is now established tradition a group of Sikhs
came to the Mosque to greet area Muslims on this festive
day. Much food was consumed with jalebi dessert and pizza
amongst other items making a big hit. Islamic literature
was also available for sale as the curious looked into
the calligraphic works on display.
Much color and ethnic flavor via women and children dressing
up in their Eid best was very much apparent. No pictures
could be taken and sent to Pakistan Link this time because
some “defenders of the faith” appeared out
of the blue after 12 years of this reporters covering
of Eid-ul-Fitr at the “V Street Mosque” and
said “no pictures” this time. 
Anyway “Eid Mubarak” once again from Sacramento,
California and let us hope for the best for our community
and the world.
(Ras H. Siddiqui will not be available to report on community
activity between now and the New Year. Please call Pakistan
Link Editor Akhtar Faruqui at 949-477-0100 to find someone
to cover your event or send your reports directly to
Along with suitable pictures)