Celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr in Fremont
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
The Islamic Educational and Cultural Research Council
(IECRC) organized Eid-ul-Fitr prayers and an Eid
Mela on Sunday November 14, 2004 at the Munoz Hall
in Fremont, California. The gathering drew a large
crowd representing different cultures and backgrounds
from the Bay Area and beyond, including Antioch,
Pittsburg, Tracy and Sacramento.

Eid prayers in Fremont
The event began with a recitation from the Holy
Qur’an by Mohammad Yaseen Khan, followed by
various moving Naat recitations in praise of the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Mr. Sharaaz Khan Qadri
of IECRC Sacramento, then delivered a lecture on
the spirit of the Eid Al Adha celebration of sharing
with those in need. He said that the celebration
came to be called Eid for the simple reason that
the believers are told at that time: Return to your
dwelling places, knowing that you have been granted
The Eid prayers were also led by Mr. Qadri followed
by the traditional religious sermon. This was followed
by the traditional salaam recitation of the famous
Qaseedah Burdah Shareef and the Salaam-e-Raza. The
religious services concluded with heartfelt supplications
led by Mr. Nayeem Fatany who prayed for the welfare
of the entire community, locally and around the
The IECRC had arranged a Children’s Fair after
the religious program. The fair included games for
kids and the cartoon character Elmo, with whom the
youngsters had a most enjoyable time. Traditional
dresses of children, men and women rendered color
to the Eid fair. The children were given gifts by
the IECRC and also received Eidi from elders.
The Eid-ul-Fitr gathering was also an occasion for
the adults to meet their friends and relatives and
enjoy food of different types served at the festival.
The IECRC is a non-profit, non-political, tax-exempt
organization devoted to providing academic and spiritual
resources to diverse religious and cultural groups.
As a community service organization, established
in 2002 in the East Bay, California, IECRC is based
on the model of the centuries old Islamic tradition
of bringing peace and harmony to society by addressing
the essential needs of people regardless of their
cast, creed, color or religion, says its founder
president, Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadri.
For more information about IECRC please visit its
website at