Involves Community in Planning for 2008, 2012
By Hazem Kira
Detroit, Michigan: “I am afraid that
now that the elections are over, the major Muslim organization
will busy themselves with other pressing matters and, as far
as election are concerned we won’t hear from them for
the next four years,” wrote a columnist shortly after
the 2004 Presidential Election.

L to R : Saghir Tahir, Mitchell Shamsuddin, Mahjabeen
Islam and Raana Akbar |
that did not happen because cognizant of these apprehensions
the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections
(AMT), an umbrella group representing 11 national Muslim organizations,
had chalked out a four-year action plan that, among other
things, entails quarterly town hall meeting that are to be
jointly organized by eleven national organizations; most recent
of which was held in New York on Saturday, April 3, 2005 and
the one before that was held in Chicago on Dec. 14, 2004.
The AMT Plan also calls on each member organization to hold
town hall meetings, civic education forums, candidates’
forums, workshops, and teach-ins on its own as well.
As a member of AMT, the American Muslim Alliance (AMA), a
national civic education organization with 101 chapters, has
been holding monthly town hall meetings to ensure the fulfillment
of the following goals: 1) inculcate organizational capabilities
to take care of the 24/7 political needs of the American Muslim
community, 2) formalize pro-active and futuristic activism
by planning for the next decade, 3) involve the community
at large in setting up goals and strategies for 2006, 2008,
2010, and 2012, 4) identify milestones and establish clear
criteria to measure level and ratio of success, and 5) help
maintain a grassroots-based, bottom-up, democratic decision-making
To that end, the AMA held its second town hall meeting in
Dearborn, Michigan, only a month after the first. Speakers
at the meeting, emphasized that real solutions can be found
only though an open and democratic process. The community
must honestly and forthrightly recognize that it faces serious
and substantial difficulties, it must involve the whole community,
men and women, young and old as well as all ethnicities and
classes to find coherent and meaningful solutions, and must
develop an organizational structure to incorporate and implement
the democratically developed solutions.
Mitchell Shamsuddin, President AMA-Detroit, inaugurated the
forum with a call for internal dialogue among Muslims with
the aim of enhancing cooperation, unity, and political participation.
It has become a cliché for activists to say that we
should be proactive and not reactive. We can become proactive
by planning ahead for the next decade and involving the activist
sections of the Muslim community in setting up goals and strategies
for the short, medium and long-term projects. “The future
is arriving event by event and we intend to be ready for all
conceivable possibilities and opportunities,” Mitchell
Shamsuddin said. “We have started working on election
2008 and we plan to keep up this momentum for the next four
Dr. Mahjabeen Islam, President AMA-Ohio, told the audience
that since the first American settlers landed on the New England
shores, “Muslims have been an integral part of the construction
and creation of American society”. The monumental American
infrastructure was built on the backs of Muslim slaves, and
with the critical contribution of immigrant Muslims in the
technology and bio-medical industries, Muslims have been at
the heart of American society. Cities such as Palestine, Texas
and Lebanon, New York are tributes to their ancestral founders,
and pictures and names of Muslim immigrants fill the logbooks
in Ellis Island. “We are an irrefutable part of the
American family,” argued Dr. Islam
Because the scourge of slavery forced scores of faithful slaves
underground, and the first waves of immigrants came in small
pockets, often settling in often rural areas, “very
few of them were able to maintain a Muslim identity”,
said Dr. Islam.
Working her way to the contemporary, Dr. Islam sketched a
cartography of today’s American Muslim. She illustrated
her point through statistical data, including demographic
distribution, education and income levels, and the growth
levels of institutional structures within the Muslim community.
The approximately 8 million American Muslims living in the
United States are composed of four even quadrants: 24 percent
African American, 26 percent Arab American, 26 percent are
South Asian, and all others constitute the remaining 24 percent.
According to the data cited, American Muslims are younger
than most non-Muslim Americans, with 67% of adult American
Muslims under 40 years old, while 67% of the adult American
population is over 40 years old.
Though American Muslims tend to be highly skilled professionals,
they are disproportionately underrepresented in occupations
that make public policy and influence public opinion. Muslims
constitute only 1.1 percent of Journalists/Editors, 0.8 percent
of Attorneys/Lawyers, and 0.6 percent of Directors/Producers/Actors.
American Muslims are not represented in state legislatures
and courts where laws are made and practiced. This is one
reason that Muslims have been paying for the tragedy of 9/11
through guilt by association, Dr. Islam said. “Besides
murder in the first degree the perpetrators of 9/11 have condemned
generations of Muslims to discrimination at the least and
arrest and torture at its worst.”
“Thousands of people with Muslim and Arab sounding names
are languishing in jail without charges or legal representation.”
Dr. Islam provided a few recommendations on how American Muslims
can advance towards full integration, and live freely as practicing
Muslims without fear of persecution and harassment.
1. Graduate beyond the hedonism of the American Dream. The
joy of materials is ephemeral whereas the fulfillment of working
for a higher cause and the collective good is enduring.”
2. Stop undercutting one another. Avoid defining ourselves
through broad characterizations, such as fundamentalist, Islamist,
Jihadi, etc.
3. Work towards enhancing democratic values.
4. Graduate from building mosques, to building hospitals,
senior centers universities, and other necessary institutional
5. Participate in political process from your neighborhood
committee to Congress. Be involved in voter registration,
debate the issues, contribute to the Letters to the Editor
columns, join Political Action Committees
“With the treasure house of talent distributed between
the indigenous and immigrants Muslim, male and female, young
and old, we have the ability to participate productively and
enhance the great nation that this can and should be, “
she said.
The next speaker, Dr. Raana Akbar, told the audience to concentrate
in three main areas: internal unity, political education,
and involvement with fellow Americans. “We must not
be strangers in our own cities and neighborhoods”, she
said. We should not wait for others to reach out to us; we
should take the initiative to reach out to them.” Dr.
Akbar also emphasized that our outreach to fellow American
should not be limited to political participation only.
Assemblyman Saghir Tahir (R-NH) exhorted his audience to become
involved with parties of their choice. “Get registered,
join political clubs, work in campaigns, pound the pavement,
work with candidates, and become a recognized part of the
American mosaic”.
In America, he said, every group has to pay its dues. “You
must pay your dues by contributing to the general welfare
of this country.” The secret of success in American
politics is involvement. Mr. Tahir advised his audience, especially
the American-born youth, to run for public offices at the
local level.
The AMA will be holding three town hall meetings in New Jersey,
New York and Massachusetts in the coming months. For more
information contact AMA at (510) 252-9858.