‘War or Peace’
Symposium Raises Difficult Questions
A Pakistan Link Report

L to R: Former Congressman Paul Findley, Congressman
Pete Stark and Syed Riffat Mahmood |
The issue itself may appear
to be simple to many Americans. Our country was attacked
on 9/11/2001 and we have retaliated in a befitting manner.
Yet a “War or Peace” symposium held at the Chandni
Restaurant in Newark, California on Sunday April 10, 2005
raised many difficult questions about that retaliation,
especially since it was the answers that were being sought
here. Close to 300 people from very diverse backgrounds
gathered to participate at this event arranged by the American
Institute of International Studies (AIIS), a small group
of thinking individuals who are taking a very close look
at America’s policy vis a vis the Middle East, Muslims
and even the United Nations.
The AIIS can be commended for bringing together such a distinguished
group of scholars and politicians. US Congressman Pete Stark
from the 13th District of California delivered the opening
keynote speech, to give this six-hour symposium a befitting
start. Former US Congressman Paul Findley from Jacksonville,
Illinois closed the day with his after dinner keynote address,
one that had many decades of experience and patriotism behind
it (even though that patriotism may find little agreement
with the current Administration policy).
The event was broken up into three panels, two before dinner
and one after. Panel 1 focused on “The Fear and Threats
of Terrorism”, Panel 2 dealt with “Major Conflicts”
and the after dinner session addressed “A Vision of
Global Peace.” And even though many of the speakers
did overstep the perimeters of these topics on a number
of occasions, the very fact that such “outside the
box” thinking was taking place appeared refreshing.
This single flavor of the Bush model for the world that
our mainstream media has been projecting for us ad nauseam
certainly deserves some second thoughts.

From L to R: Mayor Gus Morisson, Dr. Hatem Bazian
and Dr.
Lawrence Michalak |
Syed Riffat Mahmood of the
AIIS opened the symposium with his words of welcome. On
the day’s agenda he requested all to speak their minds
and the truth. “This is the United States of America.
Freedom of speech is our right,” he said.
Congressman Pete Stark (D-Fremont) who ran a successful
campaign and won against Syed R. Mahmood just a few years
ago and was now invited by him at this event said a number
of encouraging words for and about the AIIS. Congressman
Stark commented on the changing demographics of the area
and how the number of Asians here had grown. He also called
attention to American values and called for their reflection
in our foreign policy. He reiterated the fact that the freedom
of other nations depends upon freedom in the United States
and was critical of the violation of American civil rights
under the Patriot Act. On foreign arms sales he was very
blunt. “I have not voted in 30 years to sell arms
to any foreign nation,” he said. His call for a further
taxation on gasoline was not received with much enthusiasm
here. But his closing ideas on keeping America safe and
prosperous without selling arms and without war were much
more popular.
The first panel of the day on “The Fear and Threats
of Terrorism” was moderated by Jim Hartman, Chairman
of the Alameda County Republican Party. The three panelists
were Dr. Stephen Zunes a Professor Department of Politics
at the University of San Francisco, Dr. Rick Allen a former
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at the
University of California at Santa Cruz and Dr. Ivan Eland,
Senior Fellow at The Independent Institute. Dr. Zunes spoke
from the perspective of a social scientist. He pointed out
the need to find out why we were attacked on 9/11. He said
that the Al Qaida resembled some of the fascist movements
of the 1930’s and fringe leftist movements of the
1960’s and 70’s. He spoke briefly about the
environments where terrorists originate, of the “great
social dislocation in countries where people are denied
their basic freedoms.” But on responding to such groups
he pointed out that we should not make the mistakes of the
past and ‘drive people into the arms of radical clerics.”
Dr. Rick Allen spoke next from the psychological perspective.
He was a part of a disaster team at ground zero shortly
after 9/11. “Why would somebody do this?” was
his question. “Were they mentally ill?” He spoke
about the great variance in terrorism around the world but
with one common recruitment angle. “They find people
who have a perceived injustice,” he said. He added
that change in the Middle East will take a long time. Dr.
Ivan Eland closed this panel presentation with a call to
make our population here more resilient, and the need to
educate them on probability (of being a victim of terrorism).
“One of the problems is that we see a lot of disinformation
in the media,” he said. He spoke of the fact that
terrorists don’t have addresses and that attacking
Iran might be extremely counter productive.
Panel 2 on “Major Conflicts” was moderated by
former Fremont Mayor Gus Morrison.

L to R: Dr. Stephen Zunes, Dr. Rick Allen, Dr. Ivan
Eland and Dr. Jim Hartman |
The panelists were Dr. Laurence
Michalak, Vice Chair at the Center of Middle Eastern Studies,
University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Hatem Bazian, Professor
at the Near Eastern & Ethnic Studies Department also
at UC Berkeley and once again Stephen Zunes from Panel 1.
Dr. Michalak started things off with a joke on the media
making its rounds. A reporter approaches a young man who
has just saved a child from a rabid dog (by killing the
dog) and tells him what a hero he is. But after a couple
of questions and finding out that the young man is a Pakistani
of the Islamic faith the headlines the next day read: “Muslim
terrorist kills defenseless puppy.” He said that the
news media was forced to simplify things and in the process
missed the reality of conflicts in process. Dr. Michalak
said that academics could do a better job in analyzing the
reality since they had more than 30 seconds which the news
media reserved for these issues.
Dr. Hatem Bazian followed next from the Muslim viewpoint.
He said that this day (April 10) was the anniversary of
a massacre of Palestinians by the Israelis, which contributed
to the fleeing of 800,000 Palestinians from their homes.
He spoke of UN Resolutions and the right of return of this
Arab population. He said that the big elephant in the living
room was being ignored here. On the backdrop to the current
scenarios of conflicts involving the US and Muslim populations
he was even more critical. “Weren’t the Afghan
Mujahideen once our best buddies?” he said. “Muslim
blood was spilled at the frontlines against the Soviet Union,”
he added. He questioned if we had the right to interfere
in every part of the world and made the observation that
America currently has a bad product to sell to the world.
“Treat others as you like to be treated,” he
said. Dr. Stephen Zunes returned to close this panel. “This
administration did not tell the truth about Iraq,”
he said. Speaking of occupation and aggression he made some
interesting observations. “We are not the world’s
policemen. We are the world’s vigilantes,” he
said. Dr. Zunes closed his speech with another interesting
observation. “The US does not get into trouble (overseas)
because of its values,” he said. It is when we stray
from them that problems arise.
After a fine Chandni Restaurant dinner Panel 3 moderated
by Dr. Douglas Treadway on “A Vision for Global Peace”
and much more got under way. Syed R. Mahmood did a little
introduction of the AIIS and asked all the panelists present
to stand up and be acknowledged before he himself offered
his own version of global peace. He asked what Thomas Jefferson
meant by the words “All men are created equal,”
and their relevance today. “As Americans we believe
in liberty and justice for all,” he added. He said
that for real peace to break out, the critical element of
justice cannot be ignored. He gave statistics of the hundreds
of millions of lives lost in war just in the last century.
He pointed out that America is globally friendless today
(except for Britain and Israel) and that needs to change.
He pointed out that the United Nations needs to take on
a stronger role and that the UN Security Council needs to
be readjusted to include more permanent member states so
that it can better represent the globe. He suggested that
Pakistan and India should both be given consideration, one
representing the Islamic world and the other due to its
size (both are now nuclear powers). “In my opinion
the UN is the only option,” he said.

L to R: Dr. Douglas Treadway, Diane Rejman, Syed Mahmood
and Paul Findley |
Diane Rejman from the Veterans
for Peace organization next offered her views and reflected
the sentiments of many in the audience. She said that she
was very happy to represent her group here. She called for
social change “one person at a time”. “Talk
to people who don’t get it yet,” she said. She
shared her care for the 24/7 soldier currently serving in
Iraq and what trials and tribulations he or she go through,
some of which extract a very heavy lifetime price. She said
that there were already suicides and other problems within
the ranks of returning soldiers. Diane drove many at this
event and herself to tears as she presented her views about
Former Congressman Paul Findley closed the speech segment
with his frank and colorful delivery. The Muslim community
in the United States owes Paul Findley a debt of gratitude
for a lifetime of struggle for “the powerless little
guy” both in this country and globally. Thanking Syed
Mahmood, the former Congressman touched on many subjects
during his keynote address. “I am here because I want
to weep for my country,” he said. “I am not
giving up,” he added. Findley reflected on his visit
to the rubble of Nagasaki and its impact on him. He said
that he deplored anti-Semitism and believed deeply in the
rule of law. He mentioned that he had once told the Iraqis
to take their land dispute with Kuwait to the International
Courts and wished that they had listened. He said that at
the moment America is bogged down in two guerilla wars,
an unenviable position.
He said that our Government needed to try to find some answers
to why 9/11 happened but instead “foreigners now see
us as an imperial power” and that “we talk about
initiating more wars.” “America has become the
world’s self-appointing policeman,” he said.
“At home precious liberties have been sacrificed,”
he added pointing to the rounding up of hundreds of Muslims
on flimsy charges.
After discarding one premise after another, the president
now trumpets the Iraqi war as urgently needed to bring democracy
and freedom to Iraq. Ponder this question: Could President
Bush have rushed Congress and the American people into a
bloody, $200 billion war in order to bring freedom and democracy
to the Iraqis? Of course not. That justification would be
rejected as preposterous,” said Findley.
“Invading Iraq was the worst folly in American history.
As a grim testament, more than sixteen hundred caskets containing
youthful remains have been shipped from Iraq to their grieving
families in America. Wounded fill military hospitals. Thousands
of families in America and many more in Iraq are blighted
forever,” he added.
“Zealots among US Jews and conservative Christians
have become a political powerhouse. They are aided and abetted
unwittingly by radicals who profess to be Muslims, people
who engage in reprehensible suicide bombings and thus violate
Islamic rules by taking their own lives and the lives of
innocent people,” said the former Congressman.
“Most Americans mistakenly believe that Muslims condone
suicide bombings and other violence, that they worship a
strange, vengeful God, that they abuse women, and want to
make radical changes in the American system of government.
These stereotypes are false, but they are so prevalent they
constitute a road block to the reform of US policy. Until
the stereotypes are dismissed, they will evoke sympathy
for Israel, surrounded as it is by millions of Muslims,
people mislabeled as terrorists,” added Findley.
In closing the former Congressman had this to say. “Be
not afraid to demand justice in the Middle East. And never
give up. The stakes are high. It is not too late. Be not
afraid. Never, never give up.”
Much more transpired in the closing question and answer
sessions and after the two earlier panels that are not possible
to report on due to length constraints here. But a closing
observation is in order. The current predicament of American
Muslims can be countered by how they themselves can communicate
to their fellow Americans their abhorrence of terrorist
violence. But that does not mean that they should not continue
to demand fairness and justice for fellow Muslims under
brutal occupation overseas, especially in the Middle East.