Lifetime Achievement
Award for Dr Amjad Hussain

Dr S. Amjad
Peshawar, Pakistan: On November
20, 2005 Khyber Medical College bestowed the first ever
Life-Time Achievement Award on Dr. Sayed Amjad Hussain,
Professor Emeritus Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery at
the Medical University of Ohio in the United States and
a 1962 graduate of the college. He was recognized during
the Golden Jubilee year of the College for his “Many
contributions to his alma mater, his services to Peshawar
and Pakistan and his unparallel accomplishments in the diverse
fields of surgery, literature, journalism, interfaith dialogue,
photography, explorations and also his role as a community
leader in America and a philanthropist.”
Dr Amjad Hussain is also a regular columnist of Pakistan
A Gold Medal and a Citation was presented to Dr. Amjad at
a special meeting of the Academic Council of the College
with invited guests and students in attendance.
In presenting the award Dr. Umar Ali, Principal and Dean
Khyber Medical College, highlighted Dr Hussain’s career
from his student days in the late fifties to his recent
promotion to the prestigious rank of Professor Emeritus
at the Medical University of Ohio. Dr. Hussain has published
five Urdu and five English books on as varied a subject
as religion, history, culture, politics and international
relations and his photographs have appeared on the cover
of 22 magazines and in a number of international calendars.
As an explorer his Team Indus has explored and photographed,
between 1987 and 1994, the entire length of the Indus River
in Pakistan. In 1996 he led the team to reach and explore
the origin of the River in Kailas Mountains of Western Tibet
and laid claim to be the third group in history to reach
the source.
Dr Ali particularly mentioned Dr. Amjad Hussain’s
efforts in lending his voice and his pen on behalf of Pakistan
and to promote inter-faith understanding and accommodation
in America. Dr. Hussain is the author of over 500 newspaper
and magazine articles in American and Pakistani publications.
He has the unique distinction as a regular op-ed columnist
on the pages of the daily Blade of Toledo, Ohio.
He also acknowledged Dr. Hussain’s services to his
alma mater for the past 40 years. He mentioned Dr. Hussain’s
annual visits to the college to teach, his efforts in the
publication in 1992 of a comprehensive history of the College,
the establishment of an endowed Visiting Professorship between
Medical University of Ohio and Khyber Medical College and
his frequent donation of medical equipment and materials
to the institution.