ExPat Institute Strategic Resource Mapping
By Tahir Ali*

Cognizant that the Government of Pakistan is overwhelmed by the size and scope of the devastation caused by the October 8 quake, Pakistani-American groups have taken upon themselves to help create a community-based support network capable of providing sustained long-term support for the quake victims.
Major Muslim charities were the first to ‘report for work’ and their increased maturity, skill, sophistication and efficiency became apparent within days. The relief work by Pakistani-American and Muslim-American groups can be divided into six main categories: fundraising; media and community outreach; lobbying to seek favorable policies and increased funding by the US Government; and strategic resource mapping.
Supported by a network of over 3000 mosques, several dozen Muslim-American and Pakistani-American groups are busy collecting tents, blankets, shoes, and other items of personal use.
Working under the auspices of the Pakistan American National Alliance (PANA), a coalition of about 15 Pakistani-American groups, Pakistani Americans are playing an equally important role in lobbying the US-government for at least “four times” more financial, material and professional aid, at least fifty more helicopters, debt relief, and passage of HR 4073 that will allow undocumented Pakistanis to travel to Pakistan and still return under docket control.
The intellectual contributions made by the expatriate community may turn out to be its most significant and enduring contributions. Strategic resource mapping will perhaps top that list.
Strategic resource mapping begins with the comprehension of the larger picture. Conceptualizing a set of goals in its procedural totality, resource mapping is executed by detailing the whole process in terms of phases; phases in terms of key steps, and key steps in terms of resource requirements. Finally, all existing and potential human, material and intellectual resources are integrated into a comprehensive knowledge base connecting and combining figures, materials, and services with people, skills, experiences and expertise.
The Pakistan American Democratic Forum (PADF) has instituted this relatively new approach of strategic resource mapping to long-term relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction needs.
The PADF strategic resource mapping project involves development of a comprehensive Ten Year (2005-2015) Redevelopment Plan, mobilization of Pakistani-American expertise – brain power – by involving Pakistani-American economists, urban planners, geologists, architects, structural engineers, and environmental scientists in contemplating ‘critical uncertainties’ and developing specific solutions for existing and future quake-related problems; tracking, documenting and, to the extent possible, streamlining flow of goods and services, and parallel processing of what is needed and what is already at hand or in the pipeline.
Once fully instituted, strategic resource mapping will facilitate long-term planning, parallel processing (between governmental and non-governmental projects and activities), time-lining and scheduling, tracking and streamlining good and services, appropriation of the mobilized features of globalization, eliminating duplication, consolidating and expanding service delivery structures, and enhancing purposeful partnership among a wide variety of organizations doing relief work.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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