An Inspiration for Pakistanis
By Ras H. Siddiqui
can ignore numerous people in Pakistan from a journalist’s
viewpoint. But when it comes to the keepers of the welfare
of literally thousands of citizens of a relatively poor
country (by many standards) no visitor to Karachi at least
can forget the presence of Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife
Bilquis. Thus my recent trip to our country of origin would
not have been complete without a meeting with Mr. Edhi and
I made it a point to try and locate him at Kharadar (Salty
Gate) or Mithadar (Sweet Gate), some of the most overcrowded
and hard to reach parts of Pakistan’s largest city.
These old sections of Karachi are often ignored by its own
millions except when they are looking for a bargain on a
particular and still surviving craft or rare goods. Minority
Hindus and Christians along with the Parsi (Zoroastrians)
still do most of the business here. The Makrani Baloch,
old Sindhi inhabitants, Gujratis and the more recent immigrants
from India as well as the rest of Pakistan still ply there
trades here too This is old Karachi at its most crowded
and confused. Much violence has been seen here. And it was
here that a friend asked his driver to take us.
The Edhi Information Bureau and Edhi Ambulance Markaz Karachi
115 in Kharadar was found in a truly Spartan state. After
a brief enquiry by this reporter, the relaxed front desk
realized that I did not know Kharadar from Mithadar. They
invited a Dr. Sarfaraz to explain to me the activities of
the Edhi Foundation here and at its various locations. Orphans,
the handicapped (both physically and mentally), widows,
the destitute and abandoned, all are helped by these centers
around Pakistan.
Upon asking I was told that Edhi keeps an 8 am to 5 pm schedule
at his Mithadar office. It was around 4:30 pm already and
most of Mithadar (about a mile away) was accessible via
foot traffic only, due to its very narrow streets or “gullis.”
But when Edhi Sahib was informed via telephone that a certainly
“lost and confused” Pakistani-American writer
would like to see him, he said that he would wait for us.
We reached his office via our
vehicle and on foot within 20 minutes. After a couple of
doors and noticing a number of women working at their desks,
I was shown into a modest yet impressive office adorned
by pictures of the founder of Pakistan M.A. Jinnah, an old
photograph of Sattar & Bilquis Edhi, posters promoting
a drug-free world and several guidelines in both English
and Urdu. And amidst the orderly office sat a distinguished
personality with a snowwhite beard and sharp features, who
we all know as Abdul Sattar Edhi: a poor man’s last
refuge in Pakistan.

Edhi office in Karachi |
Sahib is indeed an oddity. He has won many national and
international awards for his humanitarian work amongst the
poor and
not only in Pakistan but far beyond. He must have been considered
for the Nobel Prize by now, and if not, surely he is being
overlooked. He is a simple man with many controversial ideas
about social reformation and behavior patterns of many groups
in Pakistan. Just spending a few minutes with him will grimly
remind one of the very true and sometimes horrible realities
of life. In short he is brutally honest and very insightful.
Translating from Urdu can be problematic but here I make
an earnest attempt: On religion he said that as Muslims
our “amal” leaves a lot to be desired. He said
that many educated people in Pakistan cheat the masses,
victimize the poor and are not good human beings. He said
that people in power do not spend too much time thinking
about humanitarian goals. “Where are the (true) Muslims?”
he asks. The poor in turn due to neglect and survival issues
are also destroying themselves, he said.
I asked him how he survived in this environment in a field
where many others have given up a long time ago. “I
survive by begging,” he said. He added that many rich
people (but not all) and those of the religious right have
often boycotted him and his work. He said that they just
do not understand the concept of charity. He also said that
some of the money that his organization has collected for
the poor has even been robbed at gunpoint. Worst of all,
some people have not accepted him as a true Pakistani and
have even questioned his religious beliefs.
Asked about the abandoned children that have gone through
the Edhi welfare system and the future they have, he said
that his organization only can try to keep track of them
for a maximum of five years (after they leave) as new children
come in and need attention.
Edhi Sahib was thankful to all that donate to his charity
and especially thanked foreign Pakistanis for their help.
He said that he had faced a shortage of good workers who
are interested in helping out charitable causes in Pakistan.
He added that he saw the best in Europe and America as the
system there incorporated “amal”. “The
system works there,” he said. He said that many of
Pakistan’s religious figures are too busy making trouble
(“fitnas” is the word he used). “They
did not accept the creation of Pakistan in the beginning,”
he added.

Abdul Sattar Edhi with the writer |
how long the Edhi Foundation can function beyond him, he
said that for at least one more generation his children
will carry on this effort but he did not know what would
happen after that.
Edhi also did not hesitate to mention his dismay at the
six-hour delay encountered at the US-Canada border on his
way to New York (after 9/11?). He also mentioned that the
authorities there also do not let him take people there
to help his charity work in America.
I made my small donation, Edhi Sahib did give me a signed
copy of his book “Abdul Sattar Edhi,-A Mirror to the
Blind,” his autobiography narrated by Tehmina Durrani
(of “My Feudal Lord” fame).
Upon leaving the premises after about 40 minutes a lot of
things came to mind. With ambulances, hospitals, emergency
centers, housing, maternity homes and even helicopters plus
a lot more (for those who cannot afford it) the Edhi Foundation
certainly makes a strong case for legitimate donation gathering.
Abdul Sattar Edhi loves his land and people and shows it
with his deeds and not just words like many of us. He is
often too frank and sometimes caustic. He may not sound
saintly but his work speaks for itself. And for that he
commands much respect.
To conclude, one of the reasons for writing this report
was because Bakra Eid is coming. One can hope that people
will be generous and donate some more funds to this cause
which is a huge task by itself, one which cannot be accomplished
without outside help. Eid is really a time of giving, so
let us try to give to the Edhi Foundation which is devoted
to helping suffering humanity wherever it may be. Let us
share the care.
(Please contact: USA Edhi International Foundation. 42-07
National Street Corona, New York, 11368 USA Tel: 718 639-5120);
Fax: 718 335-1978 for your Bakra Eid needs or your donations.
To locate an office near you on the Internet at