Pakistan Association
of San Francisco Arranges Annual Picnic
By Ras H. Siddiqui

Glimpses of the
picnic organized by the Pakistan Association of San Francisco
The Pakistan Association of San Francisco
(PASF) held its annual picnic on July 3rd at Lake Elizabeth
in Fremont to accomplish a number of things. First amongst
them was to hold a Pakistani-American community celebration
during America’s Independence Day weekend. Second
was to start spreading the word that Pakistan’s Independence
Day will be celebrated in San Francisco this year on Sunday,
August 14th in front of The Civic Center (just like last
year) and not Golden Gate Park. Third was to continue to
publicize the coming Human Development Foundation (HDF)
Fundraiser to be held in Santa Clara on July 16, 2005 featuring
cricket legend Imran Khan. And last but not least to share
a meal amongst friends prepared by Mehran Restaurant.
Over a delicious menu of chapli kabab and chicken tikka
and nan along with the traditional cake and watermelon (an
American favorite), it was great to see that community members
had not lost their appetite for either food or lively conversation.
Cricket and volleyball took up most of the afternoon.
PASF’s President Anwer R. Siddiqui, Vice President
Inam Choudhary, Treasurer Abdul Latif, Secretary Syed Nusrat,
Directors Altaf Bhatti, Aftab Javed, Mohammad Safdar, Mohammad
Yaseen, Mohammad Siddiqui, Tariq Choudhery and M. Ramzan
Mohammad would like to extend their invitation to all members
of the Pakistani-American community in Northern California
and their friends to make Pakistan’s Independence
Day celebrations in San Francisco on August 14 a huge success.
Please contact them at Pakistan Association of San Francisco
Bay Area 1230 Market Street, # 9 San Francisco, CA 94102
telephone (925) 216-9678 or email
if you are interested in sponsoring this celebration, the
largest annual (free) Pakistani event in Northern California.