Sacramento SALAM School Graduation 2005
By Ras H. Siddiqui

Glimpses of the SALAM school graduation ceremony 2005

Glimpses of the SALAM school graduation
ceremony 2005

The Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM) run Sunday school held its annual graduation ceremony once again at the beautiful SALAM Community Center located on College Oak Drive in Sacramento.

And once again it was an occasion to feel pride in the accomplishments of the community children as they moved on to the next grade of their Islamic School teaching curriculum and let us not forget those graduating out. It was also a sad time to say goodbye to some of those who have volunteered a great deal of their valuable time and effort to ensure that Muslim kids in the Sacramento area got a chance to learn a great deal about life in general and their religion in particular.

The event started off with the recitation from the Holy Qur’an and its translation. Sister Maren Shawesh, a Fourth Grade teacher at this Sunday school and the temporary administrator of the Full-time Islamic School which is scheduled to begin here this fall next, said a few words about that effort. Zaki Syed followed with a couple of unusually illuminating Rap numbers reflecting on a number of things including his Muslim teenage identity in post-9/11 America.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of SALAM, Dr. Metwalli Amer, followed with a few words about the need for continued support for this organization as it embarks on its Phase 3 Project, one which includes the construction of a brand new mosque at this facility. A fundraiser is to be held on Saturday, June 18, 2005 to raise money for that purpose. Those who cannot attend can send their donations to SALAM at 4541 College Oak Drive Sacramento CA 95841-4515. The telephone numbers to contact this organization are 916-979-1933 or 916-451-7650.

Once again the kids from the Graduating Classes put in their best effort as parents took as many pictures and videos as they could. Each student needed to be encouraged and congratulated here but unfortunately lunch and socializing became the primary focus a bit too early and the latter classes were staring at a fast emptying hall. The older students did not get proper attention and the elective (Arabic, Urdu, Persian language classes) none at all. Let us hope that next year will be better.

The lunch was extremely well put together and everybody got enough to eat so there was no need for that initial hurry. And speaking of food, teaching and volunteer work, Brother Khalid Siddiqui who has epitomized this combination here for a number of years will not be coming back next year to teach. He will be missed for his teaching wit and humor and the burgers that he barbequed for all of us at this event over the years.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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