Interfaith Group Appeals
for Earthquake Assistance
By Ras H. Siddiqui

Interfaith Press Briefing at Sacramento
City Hall Darshan Singh Speaking
CA: A group of people in the capital of California held
a Press Conference on Monday, October 31, 2005 and issued
a local and international appeal for the urgent help that
is needed for the victims of the recent calamitous earthquake
in Kashmir and Pakistan.
About 20 representatives of many faiths and countries of
origin stood in front of the Sacramento City Hall to announce
not only a fundraising event to be held the next day but
also to appeal to all Californians and Americans to help
the millions who have suddenly been rendered homeless in
South Asia and are in grave danger of freezing to death
as winter approaches.
Those who appealed at this venue were event coordinator
Mr. Rashid Ahmad, Dexter McNamara of the Interfaith Service
Bureau, Muslim community leader Dr. Irfan Haq, Sikh-American
Darshan Singh Mundy, City Council member Lauren Hammond,
Muslim-Pakistani activist Mrs. Durriya Syed and Iranian-American
spokesperson Mohammad Mohanna flanked by a host of other
local business and Arab-American community leaders including
local CAIR President Hamza El-Nakhal and Executive Director
Basim Elkarra.
In a moving presentation these speakers who represented
a true “Faiths Coalition” of concerned citizens
spoke to spread the word that in spite of “Donor Fatigue”
that has set in due to the number of natural disasters that
have occurred recently like Hurricane Katrina, over three
million people in Kashmir and Pakistan are without shelter
due to this earthquake and asked local Californians and
Americans at large to help one more time.