City of Los Angeles Joins
Pakistani Community in Relief Effort
left: Jan Perry, Arif Mansuri, Eric Garcetti, Waqar
A. Khan, Dennis Zine and Mian S. Waheed |
left: Arif Mansuri, Bill Rosendahl, Noor. M. Jadmani,
Dennis Zine and Chief Bernard Park |
Los Angeles, CA: On October
19 at the South Lawn of the Los Angeles City Hall, Councilwoman
Jan Perry joined her colleagues on the City Council including
Councilman Tom LaBonge, Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Councilman
Eric Garcetti, Councilman Bernard Parks, Councilman Dennis
Zine, members of Council of Pakistan American Chambers of
Commerce including Waqar Ali Khan, Arif Mansuri, M. Waheed,
Asif Syed and others, Consul General Noor M. Jadmani, Commercial
Consul, Shahid Tarar, former president of COPAA Ahmed Ali
and other members of the Pakistan community to update Los
Angelinos about the efforts that are currently underway to
help the tens of thousands of people who have been deeply
affected by the recent earthquake in Pakistan.
All the members of the City Council acknowledged the Pakistani
community in Los Angeles as one of the most important communities.
Councilman Garcetti and others stated that Pakistan is the
most important ally of the United States in its war against
terrorism. The members of the LA City Council urged fellow
Los Angelinos to come forward and help Pakistan and the people
of Pakistan in their time of dire needs and crises. They also
appealed to the American, Asian, Latino and other communities
of Los Angles, California, and the entire USA to come forward
and extend support to the victims of the quake.
Consul General Jadmani briefed the members of the media about
the destruction wreaked by the October 8 earthquake. He dwelt
on the efforts made by the Consulate and other organizations
in raising funds, relief goods, medicine and several other
needed items for the earthquake victims.
The board members of CPACC including Arif Masuri and Waqar
Ali Khan also shared the with the media the latest news and
how the earthquake has impacted many here in the region. Waqar
Ali Khan made an appeal to the residents of Los Angeles to
come forward and support the victims who are in desperate
need of help to rebuild their lives. He said the American
people are know for their generosity and this is the time
when Pakistan needs their support. He also pleaded to the
Pakistani community to open their hearts, wallet at this time
of fasting and give generously. Arif Mansuri drew a grim picture
by giving the most recent statistics to the members of the
media. The International Red Cross was also present to explain
how people throughout Los Angeles could help in the relief