Pakistan Caucus Holds
Special Session for Earthquake Relief
By C. Naseer Ahmad

above show Ambassador Jehangir Karamat and DCM Mohd. Sadiq
with US Conressmen and guests |
Washington, DC: A synergistic
effort at feverish pace is underway in Washington to help
the victims of the October 8, 2005 earthquake in Pakistan.
Leading the way, the Congressional Pakistan Caucus held a
special session on October 20, 2005, at the Cannon House Office
Building, for galvanizing the earthquake relief efforts. Congressional
Pakistan Caucus Co-Chairs (Rep Sheila Jackson Lee and Dan
Burton) hosted this event, which was called on a short notice
in response to the urgent need to alleviate the sufferings
of about 3.3 million Pakistanis.
Earlier on October 17, US House of Representatives passed
a resolution (H.Res. 492), mourning the loss of life caused
by the earthquake that occurred on October 8, 2005 in Pakistan
and India under suspension of the Rules. This legislation
was an effective way for members to pay respect to the many
constituents they may have who represent the affected communities
as well as those who perished and continue to suffer as a
result of the disaster.
In a somber mood, Ambassador Jahangir Karamat said: “These
are trying times for us.” He mentioned that 15,000 villages
were destroyed and it might take 5-10 years to rebuild. Rep
Lee informed the Pakistani American community members, some
of whom traveled from other cities to attend this event, that
the United States Congress stood in silence at 12:30PM on
October20, 2005 to honor the victims of the earthquake. Rep
Dennis Moore, Kansas, also expressed his condolences and support
for the relief effort.
Assistant Secretary of State Tom Callaghan and Pakistan Desk
Officer Steve Fagan also addressed the gathering. Mr. Fagan
mentioned that $15 million of the $50 million initially promised
US Aid had already been disbursed. He mentioned that 12 helicopters
from US DoD had been sent to Pakistan and additional helicopters
and aviation support equipment has been provided as material
assistance. PakPAC President Dr. Raza Bokhari urged the US
Congress to pledge $1billion in aid, given the nature and
extent of the natural disaster. Hanif Akhtar, a Washington
area Pakistani American community leader, said that with the
help being planned for the earthquake relief there was an
opportunity for the United States to improve her image and
relations with Pakistani public. Dr. Akbar Khawaja, Pakistani
Senator and some young Pakistani American leaders also addressed
this gathering.
Daily updates, in the form of facts sheets on the earthquak,e
are being distributed by the Pakistan American Leadership
Center. Pakistan Embassy staff is playing a very active role
in informing the community and in facilitating such meetings.
Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM), Mohammad Sadiq was seen working
the phones at his office on October 19, 2005. Rep Lee, who
has undertaken the relief effort with a missionary zeal, also
noted DCM Sadiq for his efforts.