Rising Leaders to Match
the Donations of PSAs Nationwide
Rising Leaders will
raise funds to match all contributions made by Pakistani
Students Associations to the President’s Relief Fund.
A ranked list of schools and how much they have raised,
including matched funds, will be maintained at www.embassyofpakistan.org.
Funds may include private and corporate donations.
To have your PSA’s funds matched, mail your check
made out to President’s Relief Fund to:
The President’s Relief Fund
C/o Rising Leaders
Congressional House Building
236 Massachusetts Ave, N.E.
Suite 207
Washington, D.C. 20002
Please include a description of what your PSA did to raise
funds, and the names and email addresses of the individuals
who participated along with the school that you represent.
PSAs are encouraged to send checks frequently so that funds
can be transferred to Pakistan. The Embassy’s website
will be updated accordingly.
Please direct all questions or concerns to Fauzia Tariq
at risingleaders@gmail.com.