Congressman Howard Berman Joins the PAL-C

Congressman Berman, a Democrat from the 28th District of California, has joined PAL-C. He is a senior member of the International Relations Committee and the Judiciary Committee. He has gained increasing influence on such issues as foreign aid, arms control, antiterrorism, human rights, technology policy, trade legislation, copyright legislation, and immigration reform.
"There are few House members who have made such an imprint on legislation in so many areas as Howard Berman," says The Almanac of American Politics. The Almanac goes on to call Berman "one of the most aggressive and creative members of the House and one of the most clear-sighted operators in American politics." Berman is particularly well-known for his ability to form bipartisan coalitions. Together with Republican Henry Hyde, Berman wrote law authorizing embargoes on nations that condone terrorism.
PAL-C’s Chair of the Caucus Membership Committee, Rehman Jinnah, met with Congressman Berman on January 26, 2006 and discussed a wide range of pertinent international issues. He emphasized that Pakistan is moving towards a civilian and democratic government, mentioning the numerous milestones President General Pervez Musharraf has achieved in the past six years. With an open and free media, local body and provincial elections in place and competing political parties that form an opposition are healthy indicators that Pakistan is moving towards a democracy.
“Mr. Rehman Jinnah truly appreciates Congressman Berman joining the Pakistan Caucus and on behalf of PAL-C welcomes him to a new and hopefully long-term relationship with the Pakistani American community,” says a PAL-C press release.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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