Insurance Challenge for
Pakistani Americans
By M. Saud Anwar
PAKPAC has received reports
from individuals across the country whose applications for
life insurance have been denied because of past or future
travel plans to Pakistan, or any other country on the State
Department warning list. The action taken by the insurance
industry varies from application denial, charging higher premiums,
and in one case an outright prohibition on travel to Pakistan.
Both business and pleasure travel are affected. Our review
of the issue indicates that the actions taken by insurers
are not supported by a reliable statistical analysis of the
risks associated with travel to Pakistan or any other country.
Legislation preventing the insurance industry from taking
this type of action without a bona fide statistical analysis
was recently passed in California and Washington. New York,
Illinois, and Maryland have laws protecting applicants from
being denied life insurance based on past lawful travel. Legislation
is pending in several other states including Massachusetts.
The Connecticut Chapter of PAKPAC is currently working to
provide legal protection in Connecticut that would protect
residents from adverse action based upon past and future lawful
travel. To move forward we need to assemble data about incidents
in Connecticut.
If you or someone you know in Connecticut has been denied
life insurance coverage or charged a higher premium based
on past or future lawful travel, please let us know via email
to as soon as possible.
Initial discussion with the legislators in Connecticut suggests
that having more information on this issue with examples would
be critical. Please consider stepping forward for helping
yourselves out of this situation.