Graduation Ceremony
of Al-Iman School

above: Glimpses of the graduation ceremony
June 24 Al-Iman School was awash with colorful gowns and
dresses of beaming high school students who after four years
of hard work finally received their diploma.
As has been the tradition for the past nine years, the graduates
were led into the Imam Al-Khoei Foundation’s Congregation
Hall in a procession led by their veteran home-room teacher
Sr Marziya as Br Sayyed the Master of Ceremonies signaled
their arrival. Seyyid Muhammad Suhaib Rizvi recited verses
from The Qur’an to invoke barakah (divine blessings)
upon the proceedings.
The Principal, Br Reza Naqvi presented the commencement
address in which he advised students and parents to be wary
of the internal and external enemies that led to moral and
religious corruption, echoing Br Sayyed’s introduction
that Al-Iman School provided a clean environment conducive
to the study of both secular and religious subjects. At
this juncture, the Principal concluded his address with
the announcements of the recipients of the prestigious Triple
C Awards.
The Valedictorian, Anum Iqbal paid tribute to Sheikh Fadhel
Al-Sahlani’s wisdom and guidance, the Principal’s
encouragement and the teachers’ dedication and love.
Jasmine Hamada took the “Al-Iman audience” down
memory lane of the thirteen years she spent at the School,
one of the students who went through the whole gamut of
education from K to 12 in Al-Iman School. The Salutatorian
Sarah Hadi revealed her first-day jitters and how she found
friends and guiding lights in her teachers and fellow-students.
Then diplomas were presented to the graduates by Br Muhsin
on behalf of Sheikh Sahlani as the Principal called out
the names amidst Salawaat.
Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the Imam and Director of The Imam
Al-Khoei Foundation, New York paid tributes to the hard-work
of students and felicitated them on their success and thanked
the School administration and staff for their devoted services
to provide education to the youths of the community.
The Sheikh’s address was followed by the award of
Gold, Silver and Bronze Honor Rolls presented by Dr Mehdi
Abdullah on behalf of Sheikh Sahlani, Mawlana Anwer Ali
and Sheikh Qassim Muhammad respectively. Mawlana Anwer Ali
delivered the closing Du’a, which was followed by
grade-wise presentation of awards for Best Islamic behavior,
perfect attendance and Qur’an Competition winners.
Dr. Mehdi Abdullah handed to the Principal the awards to
be given to the best Science student and his/her teacher.
Cameras clicked as trophies- and award-clutching students
marched back to the school amidst popping balloons and joyful
hugs and congratulatory embraces.
The graduating seniors who attained the first three positions
were (in order of their rank): Anum Iqbal (1st), Sara Hadi
(2nd), Amena Ummer (3rd). Other seniors participating in
the ceremony were Aisha Ummer, Jasmine Hamada, Saleha Lodhi,
Fatima Khan, Shazia Ali and Sara Yusuf.