NY Muslims Plea for
By Carol Eisenberg

Siraj Wahhaj
An estimated 1,500 to
2,000 Muslims protested peacefully across from the Danish
Consulate in Manhattan Friday in the largest US rally to
date against a Danish newspaper's decision to publish caricatures
of the Prophet Muhammad.
"We have to restrain our anger," urged Imam Siraj
Wahhaj, who led Friday prayers before hundreds of people
who were prostrate on tarps, plastic bags and rugs laid
atop wet asphalt. "We have to make our response productive,
so that they never do this again."
While the cartoons have provoked worldwide furor, including
the burning of Danish embassies in several countries in
the Middle East, only a handful of protests have occurred
in this country. An earlier protest at the same plaza ---
drew several hundred people.
Friday's event represented an unusual show of unity by a
community that has often been stratified along ethnic, national
and even religious lines. African-American, South Asian
and Arab speakers all sounded the same themes of pain and
anger about the caricatures, initially published by the
newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. Nearly all also decried the
violent reaction in such places as Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan
as "un-Islamic" and challenged followers to use
the furor to educate non-Muslims about their faith.
"This calamity - look what has come out of it,"
Wahhaj said. "When is the last time you remember having
a collective jumma prayer like this?"
Wahhaj likened the response to the rioting in American cities
that followed the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. While King's death was not the cause of the riots,
he said, it served as a catalyst because the loss was seen
as a symbol of the deprivations suffered by African-Americans.
Likewise, he said, the extreme Muslim reaction to the cartoons
relates to the political and economic oppression of Muslims
in parts of the world. (Courtesy Newsday)