UMA Celebrates 25 Years:
Discusses Gap between America & Islam
By Ras H. Siddiqui
United Muslims of America
(UMA) held the 25th anniversary of its birth with a high
profile gathering at the Chandni Restaurant in Newark, California
on Saturday, April 29, 2006. Celebrated at this event was
the first meeting of the founders of this organization in
nearby Stanford a quarter of a century ago when a group
of Muslims took the activism route roughly around the time
when Israel invaded Lebanon. UMA was formally established
in 1982 and has since then been active in the realm of politics,
interfaith activity and in raising awareness on civil rights
issues within the area Muslim community. Its main goal has
been to get American Muslims involved in all aspects of
American political and social life.
to R: Pete McCloskey, Robert Tappan and Muqtedar Khan |
to R: Safaa Ibrahim, Suhail Khan and Isi Siddiqui |
Nielson presents plaque to Shafi Refai |
This particular event
attracted around 400 people. It was based on the theme of
“Bridging the Gap between the US and the Muslim World
- the role of American Muslims” which in post-9/11
and post-Iraq War America has become critical. In the backdrop
of Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations”
in which a collision course between the Islamic and Western
civilization has been predicted, American Muslims probably
have the most cause for concern. Talk about being caught
between a rock and a hard place! Two panels planned for
the evening discussed many of the community concerns.
The event started off with registration and a social. The
formal session began with a recitation from the Holy Qur’an
and an introductory welcome by Mr. Shafi Refai, the current
President of UMA. “It is my pleasure to invite you
all to the 25th anniversary event for United Muslims of
America,” said Shafi. “My thanks to all the
speakers and especially those who came all the way from
the East Coast and also the distinguished guests from the
State Dept., State Senate and Assembly members and City
Council members, Mayors and interfaith community leaders,”
he added. Shafi reflected on his 35 years here in American
and the impact of 9/11 and its aftermath on our lives, especially
when President Bush declared war on terrorism and was careful
to note that this was a war on extremism and not Islam.
He said that American Muslims still enjoy the freedom of
religion in the US in spite of curtailment of some of their
civil liberties. The UMA President also elaborated on the
beginning of modern terrorism in Afghanistan and the quick
abandonment of “freedom fighters” there after
a victory against the Soviet Union in which no American
blood was spilled.
“This war on terrorism
is not a traditional war between two armies that could be
won merely with force. This war is going on for the last
five years and we are still debating whether or not we are
winning in spite of its high cost. It needs serious and
somber evaluation of our policies and strategies and I hope
that this symposium will help in raising the awareness of
the problem and opens public debate and honest dialog,”
said Refai, while concluding his address.
The next speaker Reverend Paul Chaffee then gave his Faith
Based Overview. The Reverend is the Executive Director of
the Interfaith Center at the Presidio, San Francisco. He
stressed the need for peace between religions as a precursor
to peace in the world. He said that before 9/11 there was
not much dialog between Muslims and other religions here
and thanked UMA’s Iftekhar Hai and Dr. Waheed Siddiqee
for taking the first steps. “After 9/11, there has
been a kind of flowering” (in the interfaith relationship),
he said. He spoke on meetings with the Japanese American
community who gave their support to Muslim Americans and
asked our community to continue to reach out by following
the pioneers, and remain guided by our hearts.
Master of Ceremonies, Omar Khan who has his own show on
a Pakistani satellite TV channel next called and introduced
the first panel. Omar asked for more dialog than speeches
and from the evening’s proceedings one could gather
that he got his wish.
Islam (Isi) Siddiqui, one of the founders (and past President)
of UMA and a Undersecretary of Agriculture in the Clinton
Administration spoke first. He said that he was very pleased
to be here and to see such a large gathering. He thanked
former Congressman Pete McCloskey for giving the community
the initial inspiration to become politically active and
asked for a round of applause for him. He briefly went into
the initial meeting at Stanford 25 years ago that gave birth
to UMA and recognized three individuals who are no longer
with us, namely Ghafoor Serang, Inam Siddiqui and Marghoob
Quraishi for their efforts on behalf of the community and
the organization. He said that UMA started off with three
goals, namely 1) Education of Immigrant Muslims, 2) Launching
the Interfaith Initiative and 3) Improving the image of
Islam in America. He added that today, the last one was
most important “after the barbaric act of 9/11.”
“The challenge is tremendous,” he added. He
said that Muslims do not have the luxury of being introverted
or to remain in despair today. “I am an optimist,”
said Dr. Siddiqui.
Paul Chaffee and Moina Shaiq |
Lawyer and activist
Suhail Khan was the next speaker. He has worked in various
capacities in the corridors of power here in California
and in Washington and is currently serving as Associate
Director for Congressional affairs for Secretary Norm Mineta
at the Department of Transportation. He started off with
what President Kennedy often described as a unique characteristic
of the Chinese language, with just one word or symbol for
crisis incorporating “both Danger and Opportunity.”
“The Muslim community is in crisis at this time,”
he said. But he added that this could also be an opportunity.
Quoting from a Yiddish proverb (and to the large number
of Jews present within the participants here) “The
optimist sees the Bagel, the pessimist sees the hole.”
Suhail Khan said that there was reason for us to be optimistic.
But not without challenges. Describing 9/11 as a “horrific
act” which killed more people than Pearl Harbor, he
added that it has harmed Muslim Americans most. He said
that that the Muslim community needs to face many local
and global issues now and that it should take a lesson from
the Prophet (PBUH) who found a solution for unity while
being asked to help place the holy stone in the Holy Kaaba.
He commented on the recent cartoon controversy and the harm
that had been done overseas and commended the American Muslim
community for its educated response. “We have a voice
as Americans. We need to continue the dialog,” said
Mrs. Safaa Ibrahim offered another American perspective.
She was born in Egypt, came to the US in 1981 and is currently
Executive Director of CAIR (San Francisco Bay Area). She
thanked God that people of her parent’s generation
established roots for us here in America, and that they
came over here for freedom and opportunity. “I never
thought that there would come a time to question if there
is truly liberty and justice for all (here in the US),”
she said. She asked Muslims to become a part of and integrate
into American society and to remain fully engaged in a dialog
with it. “9/11 has awakened the Muslim community,”
she said. “In order to change our condition, we have
to change it ourselves.”
After a lengthy Question and Answer session during which
dialog and cooperation remained topics of discussion along
with the rhetoric from Iran, civil rights issues, anti-Americanism,
sectarianism and talk of democracy, Sister Moina Shaiq recognized
a number of community leaders for their presence. Julie
Nielson, Director from the local district office of Assembly
member Alberto O. Torrico presented Shafi Refai a plaque
of a California State Assembly Resolution to UMA (Resolution
No. 1434).
After dinner and Magrib prayers the second panel was introduced.
And this one generated a great deal of interest along with
a few sparks.
The first speaker, Dr. Muqtedar Khan is an Assistant Professor
in the Political Science and International; Relations Department
at the University of Delaware. He is also a non-Resident
Fellow at the Brookings Institute and currently Editor-In-Chief
of the Muslim Public Affairs Journal and already the author
of two books. On bridging gaps he said the gap between Washington
and intelligence needs to be bridged/filled (that humor
takes time to sink in). He said that his wife and him share
two kids with America (American born) but that unlike his
wife which was love at first sight, with America his attraction
was even present even before he saw it, since it was already
a metaphor for freedom, human rights etc. He said that four
gaps need to be filled between the US and the Muslim world.
1) Between Mainstream America and American Muslims, 2) Between
American Muslims and the American Government, 3) Between
the US and the Muslim countries, and 4) Between American
Muslims and other Muslims. He elaborated on these observations
but this report cannot incorporate all of his acute observations.
“Can we rely on Americans to distinguish between American
Muslims and Muslims overseas?” he asked. “If
foreigners hate America then America will hate foreigners,”
he added. He said that we have to fight the rise of anti-Americanism
globally. He said that Muslims here need to have a major
paradigm shift and that if they think of themselves as foreigners
here they will be treated as such. “American Muslims
have become too full of themselves,” he said. He attributed
this to the tolerance of Americans and added that if a 9/11
type event happened in India, thousands of Muslims would
have been slaughtered. “The biggest threat to American
Muslims is another attack,” he said.
The next speaker Mr. Robert Tappan is the Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State in the US State Department.
He has been officially recognized for his services in Iraq
and has been awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for
Outstanding Public Service. He has had continuing links
with media here (Washington Post, ABC, NBC and CBS). He
presented the US Government perspective here on this panel,
and one must commend him for keeping his composure amidst
some tough questioning. It is indeed difficult to present
the Bush Administration’s case before Muslims these
days but Robert did just that. He presented three points:
1) The State Department and the Bush Administration is actively
engaged in trying to fill the gap, 2) They are engaging
the Muslim world and have energized this effort. “This
is a long-term effort and not just a Bush Administration
issue,” he said. 3) “We in the Government don’t
have all the answers. We are actively seeking your advice,”
he added. “Our engagement with the Muslim world did
not begin with 9/11,” said Robert. He spoke of the
most recent initiatives made by Karen Hughes who has the
benefit of being close to the Secretary of State and whose
efforts are a top priority. He spoke of three “strategic
imperatives” namely, 1) To offer people hope, 2) To
isolate violent extremists and separate them from those
who are our friends, and 3) Foster relationships based on
common universal values. He said that in order to do this
funding has been increased, education efforts added abroad,
outreach to Arab and international media expanded, a new
Rapid Response Center created with the media and disaster
relief addressed. “We must be proactive,” he
said. He stressed the need for showing respect to other
faiths. “Our intentions are well meaning,” he
said. “We hope that you partner with us to push this
forward,” he added.
Former Congressman Pete McCloskey is certainly no stranger
to us here. He has supported minority political empowerment
for many years and has been an upholder of “rights
for the little guy” and one of a handful of American
educators of the Muslim community here. Pete is running
for Congress against Richard Pombo in the 11th District
(Stockton area). He started off by commending UMA for its
efforts during the last 25 years. He spoke of respected
Muslim individuals living on each block who are the real
ambassadors of the faith here in America. He said that 1)
Bridging the gap is best done by individuals, 2) Be proud
of being Muslims, and 3) The great hope of the Muslim world
is when children serve in public office (internships need
to be pushed). He said that Muslims should organize like
the Israeli lobby and that voter registration has to be
pushed amongst the women and children in our community.
He also called for justice for the Palestinian people.
The concluding Question and Answer Session certainly provided
a few fireworks. But in the end one can congratulate UMA
for its 25th and once again stress that communication is
the key to our collective future in this world. Communication
between America and the Muslim world is the immediate imperative
but eventually there has to be communication between Israel
and the Muslim world too. And as for another 9/11, American
Muslims know that we have to do all that we can to stop
any such horrific act from impacting anyone’s life