US Starts New Citizenship Tests

Washington, DC: Prospective US citizens must answer more probing questions about concepts such as democracy and the rights of citizens as examiners began using a new test in eight cities on Thursday, the government said.
The tests, which are part of a pilot project, replace an exam that focuses more on memorizing facts and figures, said Maria Elena Garcia-Upson, USCIS regional communications manager in Dallas, Texas. “This is not about making it harder, but making it more meaningful.”
The portion of the test that focuses on civic issues could ask applicants to explain what freedom of religion is, and spell out why the United States has three distinct branches of government.
The revised test has three parts, one on civic issues, another on reading and a third on writing. Examiners started using the new exam on Thursday in Albany, NY; Boston, Mass; El Paso, TX; Kansas City, Mo; Miami, Fla; San Antonio, TX; Tucson, Ariz; and Yakima, Wash. It was scheduled to start in Denver, Colo; on Friday and Charleston, SC; on the 20th.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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