First Muslim to Command
an Aviation Squadron in US Navy
By Lt. Nathan Christensen

Cmdr. Muhammad Muzzafar F. Khan
Muhammad Muzzafar F. Khan relieved Cmdr. Timothy Langdon
as Commanding Officer of Sea Control Squadron (VS) 31 during
a ceremony held at sea aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74)
May 13. Khan is the first Muslim to take command of an operational
aviation squadron in the US Navy. The “Topcats”
of VS-31 are assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9, embarked
aboard Stennis, and currently deployed to the US 5th Fleet
area of operations (AOO).
“I am absolutely thrilled and honored to be placed
in that position of stewardship,” said Khan. “It’s
an honor and a tremendous feeling.”
As a child in Pakistan, Khan grew up around aviation. His
father served in the Pakistani Air Force for 21 years and
then flew commercial airplanes for 24 years. “As far
back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a
pilot,” he said. “There is a Naval Aviation
Museum poster with a little boy holding a toy airplane and
looking up at the sky. That little boy was me.”
Some 40 years later, Khan does not just have ambitions to
be a jet pilot; he is one. Not only does Khan fly jet airplanes
almost daily near his native Pakistan, but also, he now
commands an aviation squadron responsible for six aircraft
and over 200 personnel.
Khan came to the United States from Pakistan in 1981 to
live with his aunt in Texas. His goal was to learn to fly,
as well as earn a degree from North Texas State. Although
Khan said life was good in Pakistan, he made the decision
to stay here in the United States during college and become
an American citizen, a decision he does not regret. “I
am 100 percent American. I bleed red, white and blue,”
said Khan.
He not only remained in the United States and became an
American citizen, but decided to become a naval aviator
Khan’s decision, however, did not please everyone
in his family at first, he said. “My father initially
was opposed to the idea of me joining the US Navy because
I am the oldest son. My father wanted me to return home
and follow in his footsteps and fly with the airlines for
him. So, when I told him I was joining the Navy, he wasn’t
initially happy.”
Since then, his father and him have grown very close over
the years, sharing the common bond and passion for aviation.
Khan’s younger brother even followed his example joining
the navy as a P-3 pilot, and is currently stationed in Whidbey
Island, Wash.
In 2004, Khan was selected to enter the command-at-sea pipeline
and became VS-31’s executive officer shortly thereafter.
Khan was competing for one of two spots against 32 candidates,
he said. “The fact that I was selected for command
after Sept. 11 is a good indication that the Navy is an
equal opportunity organization and that we don’t discriminate
on race, religion or color,” said Khan. While many
Americans may not have known much about Islam prior to Sept.
11, the terrorist attacks in New York City changed that
Sept. 11, pretty much the entire American nation knew about
Islam and the image they had is not the right one,”
said Khan. I read an article, which I believe to be true,
that Islam was basically hijacked. “The Islamic teachings
were turned around or taken out of context so that they
could be used for political gain and to incite violent behavior.
Suicide and killing innocent people is strictly forbidden
in Islam.”
Khan is flying missions over Afghanistan as part of CVW-9
to bring stability and security to the region and help defeat
the Taliban who incite extremism. CVW-9, assigned to the
USS John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, entered the US
5th Fleet area of operations (AOO) Feb.19 to conduct Maritime
Security Operations (MSO) in regional waters, as well as
to provide support for the International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) troops on the ground there participating in
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).
“As far as the mission is concerned, I hope and wish
the same things I wish for my fellow Americans; I hope there’s
peace, I hope there’s stability, I hope for all people
in the region that they can go to the market as freely as
I can and let their children play on the street or get a
job and be able to provide for their family,” said
Khan, as he flies missions in support of ISAF, which is
comprised of more than 35,000 troops, with contributions
from 37 nations.
“That is what my hope is – that in the end there
will be stability and everyone will be able to enjoy the
same freedoms that I enjoy in the United States.”
Khan said that while flying missions over Afghanistan from
Stennis, he flies over Pakistan and catches a glimpse of
his native country. “It is awesome to look down to
be able to see Pakistan knowing I lived 18 years of my life
After 20 successful years in the Navy, today marks the pinnacle
of his career as he assumes command at sea. However, Khan
has no intention of retiring anytime soon.
“I have completed 20 years and I absolutely love the
Navy. I’m still having a lot of fun and I don’t
see myself getting out anytime soon,” he said. “I
love it, I enjoy it and I feel extremely honored and privileged
to be an American and serving in the United States Navy.
Knowing what I know now, I would not change anything about
my decision to join the Navy.”
Asked what he hopes to achieve down the road in terms of
his career, Khan smiled. “The sky is the limit,”
he said, suggesting a desire to become the first Muslim
admiral in US Navy history.