Pakistan Link Invites
Reader Participation
Pakistan Link has announced
two new features, ‘Life on Campus’ and ‘Mehfil-E-Terah’.
Plans are being made for several other new features to be
launched soon in the Pakistan Link.
‘Life on Campus’, will provide an opportunity
for students to discuss issues of particular interest to
their lives. A topic will be announced every month and the
selected articles from the submissions will be printed in
the first issue of the following month.
The topic for Life on Campus for the next month is “The
Generation Gap – Does it Exist?” Articles discussing
the differences or similarities between the older and the
younger generation of Pakistani-Americans and the impact
of these on our family dynamics are welcome.
To participate, please write an opinion up to 150 words
and e-mail to* A photo of yourself
is welcome but optional.
For the ‘Mehfil-E-Terah’, a misra-e-terah will
be announced every month and the Urdu poets will be invited
to submit poems using the given misra. Selected poems will
be printed in the first issue of the following month.
The misra-e-terah for the next month is from Jigar Murad
Abadi’s shair:
To participate, please send
your ghazals to along with your
photo (optional).
“We are introducing these new features to bring even
more reader participation in the paper”, Editor Akhtar
Faruqui said. “These are additions to the paper that
I look forward to reading myself!”
• Note: All submissions should be brief, and may be
edited. They become the property of Pakistan Link and may
be republished in any format. Please include your full name,
mailing address and daytime phone number (your number will
not be published).